Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

This comment is a prime example of saying “I’m a racist” without saying “I’m a racist”.

I’ll say this-I would love to see him and Brian Tyree Henry in a prequel to Bullet Train series of their madcap adventures.

I’m gonna put a spoiler alert on this, even though this is based on real life stuff from 40 years ago you can research on the Lakers and was foreshadowed in the season premiere.

Maybe it’s just me, but the original Transformers trilogy aren’t my favorite movies, but if I’m scrolling through TV on a rainy Saturday and they’re on I’ll probably watch them. They’re kind of like the Fast and Furious movies in that way.

Stephen Amell, you have failed this city (arrow through the chest).

I may be intrigued to watch this, only because this article referred to him as both Gerry and Gary, and I am wondering how many episodes in before he starts going by Jerry, Larry or Terry.

To be fair, it took me until the Florence Pugh part to realize that as well.

That actually would have been a lot more interesting than the Seinfeld knock-off we got. It was still enjoyable, but boy was it rough (and it seemed weirdly out of place at Fox, considering the lineup it was around).

Starting from the beginning, the fact that the show decided to do the Ted/Rebecca fakeout only to find out that it was due to other issues was well-done, if a bit frustrating on first watch. It felt like “Oh, they are gonna do this” and even with Beard coming out, I still wasn’t sure the gas leak was mentioned.

My mind went to prison because he is a notorious shitheel. Rehab would be my second most likely one.

Even though just about every fan of the show knows what’s coming, I still gotta give the writers credit for not breaking the big secret at the end of this episode. Giving it a chance to sit there for a week is a good choice, even if 95% of the fanbase knows what’s coming up.

I genuinely think the last person I remember as a winner of American Idol was Phillip Phillips (and even though it was just the one song). I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of a winner of The Voice put out a single. Is there a point to these shows aside from being relatively cheap?

I think Nate’s a fine tactician but yeah, Roy would be the best successor for Ted. Frankly, Roy as the head coach and Nate in the Beard role would be an interesting spinoff idea (assuming they decide to do a Ted Lasso spinoff, it would give some odd couple vibes).

I’m guessing that will be the case, but it would be nice to see it go to Roy or Beard. One of those two getting out of their comfort zone would be good for them.

I predicted it in these very comments a few weeks ago, and I was correct in my assumption that Jack (excuse me, the “board of directors”) would pull the funding for KJPR. Of course, I did not have the foresight to predict Keeley would get the funding from Rebecca, but I’m still gonna chalk this up as a W.

While Ted’s heart was likely in the right place, good lord that story he tried to do was a massive amount of cringe. Maybe it’s best to say “we support you for who you are” and leave it at that.

I gotta say, Henry completely stonewalling Dr. Jacob at the end was wholly satisfying. Also, Dave Grohl learning to play drums on pillows definitely I feel isn’t common knowledge, and this is coming from someone who considers himself a big fan of both Nirvana and the Foo Fighters (although bringing up Dave Grohl as a

It is good when this show gets back to sport. Granted, this show is very much rooted in the relationships, but it’s nice to have it tie back into what is in essence the theme of the show, which is sport.

Ocean of Blood was definitely a Finnish death metal band in the early 2000's.

I know it’s called Total Football, I’m sure if I was talking with my friends about it in my relatively rural area I would recognize it as Total Football. However, after this episode, when it’s shown in the episode it’s probably going to stick in my brain as the triangle offense. Thanks, Tex and Phil.