Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

I’m just here to say, Nobody is a delightful little film. Not in the same super ultra violence of John Wick, but I could see if people make that leap, and I hope more people watch it. A solid action film that wraps up in a satisfying 92 minutes.

From a tactical perspective, that second half has to be partially on Ted. Of course, Beard and Roy got the boys riled up with the video stretch, but as a manager you gotta get the boys to focus that anger into being productive instead of just beating the other team into the ground as much as possible. Pitiful tactics

If Zlatan was as good at soccer as he was at having an ego, we would never have a conversation about the greatest athlete of all time. It would just be him.

I know it’s likely gonna happen, but the fact that, at this point in pop culture, it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be a shock to have the outsider ostracize himself makes me hope they avoid it. It feels almost cliché.

I really hope Zava doesn’t end up being a homophobe. That would feel like a massive cop-out for the series to do, considering already there are parts of the locker room don’t like him, and just wouldn’t be interesting (I hope they all accept Colin for who he is, but I just could see that happening and it makes me

Anybody who wouldn’t prefer that is someone I don’t want in my life.

Get ready for a Ted-centric season (seeing as his was the first set of eyes we had a close up on, I’m guessing this season is going to focus a lot on reconciling things between his career and his desire to reunite his family, especially now that his wife has a “friend” in the words of Biz Markie).

“The worst thing happened to you, that could happen to any fighter. You got civilized.”

Counterpoint-Rocky III is a fantastic movie and frankly, is superior to Rocky IV. You have a much better “villain” in Clubber Lang than Ivan Drago (who’s only reason for existence is because of the Cold War) and it cements the growth in Rocky and Apollo’s relationship from rivals to friends, which lays the groundwork

Upon review, it appears to have been fixed. Still was odd.

Am I the only one for who the trailer looked messed up? It looked like it was on an angle and it was messing with my eyes, almost like a diamond prism (I wish I could explain it better, but it was an interesting choice of aesthetic for a trailer if intentional).

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was like “We all know who Krylar is, they were in the marketing campaign, why are you trying to hide it”?

The fact that none of these was a Ted Lasso season 3 trailer served to only annoy me. Come on Apple, you had a massive platform and you couldn’t give us a little taste.

I’m lucky to live in an area where AMC is not really prevalent (there’s one about 70 miles away, and the rest are a 3.5 hour drive or longer). I do feel bad for those in an area where AMC is their only option, and I feel this will be bad for the chain in general (I could see screenings where the value seats all sell

Stateside it appears to be on the Roku Channel and Crackle

So what you’re saying is, Dave Bautista and Lacey Chabert in “Lifting Love Up”, this Saturday, 9/8 central, only on Hallmark Channel.

That’s definitely going to be the plot point of Episode 1 of the new season.

Was it...

Hell, there are a handful of theatres around here still playing it.

I’ll be honest, I was one of those few that was at the box office this weekend. Saw The Menu and Violent Night. I thought they were both enjoyable films (Violent Night isn’t going to dazzle anyone, but as a fun action romp, it’s a good time).