Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

To be fair, it probably wasn’t a good sign that it got pushed back due to reshoots and a showrunner change before it even premiered. I remember seeing previews for this during the end of the last NFL season, and then when Week 1 came around this year, seeing those exact same previews and wondering “Wait, didn’t they

It seems like I am in the minority here, but I saw this last night (value night at the chain cinema, so not boosting box office numbers much) and it was rather enjoyable. The scenes were good, but the screening was not even half full. I would say if you want to go out to the movies, this would be a good choice but

North Dakota is listed as Albertsons. There’s one Albertsons in the whole damn state, and it’s a relatively small one. Hell, I can think of three chains off the top of my head that do considerably better than that.

“It was 1980-something, and the characters are the current age in whatever year best fits the theme of this week’s episode, even though last week’s was in 1987 and the week before was 1981"

Honestly, this might be for the best. I think the big problem with the past few seasons was there were way too many people on cast, and so there were whole episodes where certain people just didn’t make an appearance. This will hopefully give more room for the featured players to grow, and could make for a tighter

I paid a lot of money to get Rick and Morty onto *burp*. So much so that they only other content I can afford is weirdos eating sticks of butter.

To be fair, he has the largest penis most doctors have ever seen. They didn’t even bother checking him when they did the mall mumps check because they were so distracted.

How dare you, SHE’S A NICE LADY!

And 785 is the area code to Topeka, Kansas! Code Kansas!

(Not really relevant to anything, just decided to make a Black Dynamite reference here)

Maybe it was unintentional, but I found myself laughing when he stopped the two cars/ships in the first battle by doing splits a la Van Damme. It’s possible I was looking too much into the scene though, but still good.

Considering Herc is played by lovable grump Brett Goldstein, I’m guessing he’d be the “straight man”

I think this is as good of an excuse to say Mantzoukas is perhaps the only candidate to play someone who’s title is “The god of wine”, and also, his character on HBO Max’s Close Enough is perfect, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

I can tell at least one screen that EEAAO is on isn’t likely to gross much revenue, as there are maybe 50 seats in the whole theatre.

Evidence-The theatre I saw it in yesterday. Fantastic film, theatre was over half full and enjoyable from start to finish.

That sounds more like you projecting your belief of what Ted is based on his backstory than anything actually shown in the show. Sure, Ted wants to keep things smooth, but he’s also genuinely caring towards people, and wants to help others. Basically, the antithesis of Trump. It could have been just as easy for Ted to

Please elaborate on specifically where in the show something happened that made you believe that. Because there is nothing from what I’ve seen over two seasons to indicate Ted would be voting for that asshat. If you’re just assuming that based on appearance, that speaks more about you than the character,

I hate being “that person”, but Yellowstone is on the Paramount network, which is separate from Paramount+, and none of the episodes stream on Paramount+ (I know this because I received a text from my elderly mother wondering why she was paying for Paramount through her cable company if we had Paramount+, and me

I’m glad I chose to rewatch this before commenting, as it helped me rethink a few thoughts I had after my first viewing that I realized didn’t make sense.

Again with the Klingons. Mr. Scott, give me full power!

I work a job that has me working later in the day, and so I usually watch these episodes not too long after they drop (thanks Apple for doing midnight Eastern instead of midnight Pacific). I audibly yelled out “That son of a bitch!” at a volume that may have been a bit loud for an apartment building late night for

That’s almost 100% true but still, I’m surprised he didn’t try