Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

Two less serious things to start out

I gotta say, this was quite an interesting episode, even with the idea that it likely was the second “bonus” episode. I feel we learned a lot about Beard as a person, and namely that this move to London has just as many struggles for him as it did for Ted. Hopefully he can find some happiness.

While I am not looking at this with a critical eye, I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. While I can’t say for sure the Sam/Rebecca storyline will end well, the fact both seem happy in the current moment is a good sign

So, is this just a stand-alone, or will there be follow up next week. I understand there are cliffhangers and what not with this format, but the idea of Zombie Thanos seems too awesome not to explore.

“Holy crap, we are definitely dissecting pine cones next year!”

Upon retreading this, I’m disappointed there’s no reference to Stan Lee Rick.

I gotta say, after a season of episodes that were enjoyable but not outstanding, I thought they really stuck the landing here. Also loved the fact that they did these back to back, because I was not expecting the second episode to turn the way it did (into an Evil Morty episode) and I imagine running promotion for

The more I’ve had time to think about it, the more I have developed a theory around why Nate is so hostile to Will. Before I proceed, I want to note that this is my interpretation, and it is not accepting of Nate’s action, but rather the idea of putting myself in Nate’s shoes.

I know multiple people pointed this out but I’m gonna do one reply. While it does make sense that maybe Roy want a reader, the idea he didn’t have time seems odd, considering most (if not all) teams in the Premier League travel to league games by bus (presumably, based on the fact Richmond had a team bus for the road

I’ll admit, I was a bit disappointed because I was hoping for more of a Ted and Doc-centric episode. After the events of the last episode, I was really looking forward to seeing a more in-depth conversation.

This seems like a bad idea, mostly because Rodman’s trip took place during the regular season instead of the NBA Finals. There was no way in hell Jackson would let Dennis get 48 hours during the finals. He actually went to Detroit after Game 3 to appear on WCW and Phil lost his god damn mind. Some serious revisionist

Not to be rude (even though almost everything on the internet does sound rude when not positive), but it’s technically Tottenham Hotspur (or the Spurs)

At this point, I wonder if Marvel and Sony are going to avoid putting the trailer online until September, as it will be attached to Shang-Chi. That could be one way to drive fans back to theatres (a shitty way, but a way).

It’s time! For! Nitpicking!

Using PPG, they are more on pace for 59 points, which puts them in 15th (28 points accumulated divided by 22 games played times 46 total games). Still, this club needs to go on a tear if they have a shot at promotion, as they have had some unfortunate bad luck (RIP Earl but that was a costly two points lost).

If you consider the Community episode “G.I. Jeff” part of the G.I. Joe canon, I respectfully disagree 

My first thought when I saw this headline

The problem is there just aren’t many drive ins left. I know in my area (Upper Midwest), there’s maybe 10 or so in a three-state area.

Doug Judy episodes are probably my favorite episodes of each season. Even though this one ranks towards the bottom (Season 2’s “The Pontiac Bandit Returns” would be last), I still enjoy it and will likely watch multiple times.

And it officially has been updated