Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

I’m guessing most of the commenters probably don’t care, but Marcus Theatres (the Midwestern chain which controls the theatre market in this town) has always promoted it as just Birds of Prey. I haven’t seen any changes to the new title but if I do I will update this.

DC everybody!

I can’t say I’m surprised by this.

Well fuck you too

The Cleveland Show wasn’t really much of anything, but it did sear in my brain the idea of calling Barack Obama “lil Barry Obama” in Cleveland’s voice every time I see his name.

I’m going to go ahead and make this controversial opinion, I don’t get the hype around The Irishman. It feels an hour too bloated, and frankly listening to old people tell stories is a bit boring.

Did anyone else have an awful time viewing this episode live or on DVR (assuming I’m not the only one who watches it live, but who knows). My Fox affiliate (Fargo, ND) had a minute and a half of weird “technical difficulties” stuff starting out, and then it would either A-Cut to commercial too early or B-Not come back

There was that, but it didn’t feel like it took away from that episode. This was the first time where I was like “C’mon Mac”.

I’ll admit, I’m not a show expert, but did Mac seem like even more subservient (or to put it how the Gang would, “more of a little bitch”) tonight? It honestly felt like it bogged the episode down up until the whole “Misery” plot line revealed itself, and even then it just felt weird.

I don’t know why, but when I saw “Mexican Joker”, my thought was they were going to try and base it off the upcoming movie. I am curious to see if they develop the idea or not.

The irony of Apt Pupil is that Ian McKellan plays a fictional Nazi war criminal in a mostly forgotten movie, but then goes on to fame plays one of fiction’s most famous Holocaust survivor (and sure, that experience made him want to wipe out mankind, but still).

The fact you chose Eckman Acres instead of Steele Stadium or Tin Can Alley is an egregious mistake. Tin Can Alley would be insane for the Yankees, bouncing balls off the the massive left field wall constantly.

As a Vikings fan, fuck the Saints.

This may make me seem like a real country bumpkin, but I read the paragraph explaining Thanos as a Deviant in the voice of Paul Harvey.

I don’t think Idris Elba should play James Bond.

Regarding Donald-One concept I saw passed around the fan base for a potential movie was “The Search For Troy”, based off the fact that in (not 100% sure on the exact episode) Season 5, Episode 7 there was a mention of “Levar Burton and non famous accomplice captured by pirates”. It’s very high concept and would not

When I opened this, I figured “Not shocking to see this, he always seemed like a douche”.

This had to be one of the best heist episodes of all time. And that’s saying something.

Boo to the parents who botched naming their kid Shawn Paul, instead of Sean Paul.

I didn’t create this poster, but like hell if I’m not gonna share it.