Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

IDK that I would say that SNL is necessarily “too liberal” but I would definitely say it’s hard-on for making Trump-based comedy only shows that it’s a shell of it’s former self. Trump-based comedy in 2019 is basically a fucking layup on the comedy attempt scale, and so it makes every attempt they try and make about

I have yet to see the finale (not spoilerphobic, so it doesn’t matter to me). I will say though, this season of Black Lightning seems like it has dragged on. Maybe it’s the fact that the series kept Tobias as it’s big bad, but this show has just not been as enjoyable to me as the rest. Also, admittedly I never really

I’ll admit that this is confusing me as well. He seems to be going off on different tangents all the time. I will say this, the reason a show like Friends is #1 is, like someone else here brought up, the characters. It’s certainly not the most intelligent show on TV, or the most interesting. But it’s the fact that the

A wise man once said “No such thing as bad press”. Unfortunately, I would say this is bad press.

I did not see the play before in question, but I presume the ref may have missed a call, which is what led to the goal and the comment in question.

I didn’t know where to post this controversial opinion I have, but since it’s the Funbag, it seems like as good of a place as any.

When they are trying to tank for Zion! Not even scoring on their own basket could help them in their quest to tank. Total Knicks move.

Later, Lee likened the film’s win to a referee making “a bad call.””

Hopefully this will finally kill the “Disney does live-action reboots of classic films, including most of the Disney Renaissance” genre for good. The Jungle Book was quite impressive, but since them it seems to be getting diminishing returns.

The irony here is how fans go “Oh, Duke and Kentucky hoarding all the top talent is bad for college basketball” are likely the same people who are ok with the superteams in the NBA. And yet, as you pointed out, these schools recruiting the top talent rarely win, while the NBA super teams do. It’s just funny how we

Crazy theory-What if they get Doug Judy to replace Gina? I know more DJ might hurt his appeal, but rebuttal, it would be hilarious to see him bounce off Peralta so much. Plus, Craig Robinson is a great actor and needs more work.

Please, do you really think we want him here at The North Dakota State University? He’s a good coach but he’s also got way too many issues for us.

Which is ironic because Family Guy then tried (pretty awfully btw) to do the ridiculously long name bit in the new episode right after.

Underrated moment of that pizza commercial-When the girl on the left adjusts her standing position after the two have already gone into the “back-to-back cop” pose.

Question, why does the link that presumably is supposed to lead us to box office numbers for Creed II take us instead to box office numbers for Creed? Unless that was the point.

The fact that this review failed to mention Gene singing “Alone” by Heart is blasphemy. I’ve found myself rewatching that part at least a dozen times.

Here’s a question I want answered. Apparently there was a reference to a Daniels in the precient in the pilot episode (as a presumed detective). Whatever happened to Daniels?

Crawford would be a good choice, plus it gives the world more Alison Tolman, which is always a plus. I could see her trying to force Hitchcock and Scully into retirement however, which would cause (presumeably) conflict with the rest of the 9-9.

True, but at the same time, Gina will likely be with him, and they have some solid chemistry.