Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

This was probably one of the best wedding episodes on tv, mostly because of how well it used some of the old classic tv tropes about weddings going wrong but didn’t actually cause a derailment.

Was just about to come here and ask why George W. Bush said anything bad about Black-ish.

I’ll be honest, reading this news after watching what seemed like Seth’s “I’m done” moment last night is kind of disheartening. I still enjoy Family Guy, but hell, I can’t remember the last time I wanted to watch a new episode more than once.

While I enjoy all these shows, this gif will showcase my clear favorite, and exactly what I am feeling right now

“Buena Vista! Good to see them still around!”

At first, I wanted to come here to comment on how I wanted more task force if it meant more Brett Booth (and more Kiv, the underutilized comedic talent of The Lonely Island). However, the more I think about it, the more I hope they avoid the task force, as it would bring up too much rememberance from last season’s

I’m admittedly baffled at everyone here who says “Oh, the only two good parts this week are Weekend Update and the cold open.” Personally, I loved all of Donald’s sketches. The lawyer sketch, as well as the Raz P. Berry one, felt like sketches he’s been holding onto since Derrick Comedy, but finally got a chance to

I am three years late to this party, but one thing after knowing what happens after this article. Michael B. Jordan has perhaps the single best film to film turnaround (going from Fantastic Four to Creed) other than Sandra Bullock (All About Steve to The Blind Side).

(Takes out idea notebook, writes down Murder Mansion.)

Seeing the reminder about Peter Parker dying reopened the sadness.

Considering the gang is moving, they will likely move south, so it makes for a continent cliffhanger where the “gas masks” (as I’ll call them) will be closing in next week.

Except he’s a Jets fan.

Well, a wizard wrote this article.

As a Donald Glover fan since Derrick Comedy, the hipster version of me wants a bunch of references to those sketches, plus songs from his early mixtapes.

Not to diss Sam Smith, but I felt he went too “rangy”, for lack of a better term with the song for Spectre.

There is an inherent flaw in sugary cereals though, as they make you forget basic car maintenance.

I realized I meant “not liking Arrow”. I also may have misunderstood, and in wanting to go for the easy joke, ignored trying to have it make sense.

Oliver Queen1 not like Arrow? You have failed this comment thread.

Now, I can get maybe having a soft spot for SHIELD. But, calling Gotham the third best comic book show on TV? Now I know for a fact you are joking. And I’m sorry, but SHIELD is nowhere near the best superhero show on TV. That belongs to Legends (with Black Lightning coming up in 2nd for now).