Kickpuncher vs. Punchkicker

After you said Agents of SHIELD was the best comic book show, everything you said just sounded like droning.

This is a bummer. I found it to be quite enjoyable.

God damn, this episode was so good.

This is why I don’t vote. Because I hold beliefs on both sides (fiscally conservative, socially democrat), but if I go and vote, I can’t vote without people assuming I fall in line with every belief that party holds, which isn’t how I feel at all.

I know this won’t be a popular opinion, but I do find it interesting regarding the lady who, after seven years of being together (two of those being married), is now terrified because her husband is a conservative. Unless that change occurred recently, I feel like that’s something she should have thought of going

I know it was a small moment in the episode, but the “Jake tried to smash the two-way mirror with the chair only to bounce back in his face gag” was not only hilarious, but made me remember the other great gag of the interrogation room, where Boyle tries to smash a plate only for it to bounce up and nail him in the

As a white male, I would not be opposed to two out of those three options. And, if it’s anyone but Natalie Portman playing Jane, then it’s all good with me. Her in that role just felt awkward and forced.

Am I the only one confused by what you meant with GG2?, because I’m both intrigued and terrified.

Trump is a racist piece of shit and I hate everything Trump does.

For anyone watching this show on Hulu, the first three episodes are on there.

This episode didn’t deserve an A. This was so anticlimactic, it’s basically the definition of “limping into the barn”.

While I hope this does become a long running, successful show, i’d be lying if I said I hope this fails, if only so we can get a Pontiac Bandit spin-off series.

She could have donated them herself, instead of making a big deal about it to the First Lady. As has been pointed out here, this is an excuse to make a “Boo Trump” moment.

This episode, while enjoyable, honestly didn’t really grab me as much as other’s this season have. I would definitely classify it as the weakest of the season.

Maybe I’m not the first one to notice this, but I’m pretty sure each of the kids that were at the school handing out flyers about distracted driving were eventually killed by distracted driving.

Not to get too naggy, but Brooklyn Nine-Nine is entering it’s fifth season, not fourth. (Posted at 10:29AM CDT, 9/21/2017)

A few questions I have the more I think about this episode.

I’ll be honest, the first half of the episode had me wanting to rush here and rant about how bad it was. But holy shit, that Evil Morty reveal at the end (which I’ll admit I didn’t see coming), helped to turn the episode from one of the worst of the series’ run to one of the best.

Fuck, is this season firing on all cylinders or what?