
In the end what he showed us is that after all that talk about being different he really is just another shill and sell-out. Yes, it’s politics, but he’s just proved to be another career politician who cares more about himself than real change. Support a candidate who is a shadow of his former self, who can barely

Biden to Black South Carolinians: Thanks for the win suckas! 

Does it hurt to be that dumb?!

Does it hurt to but that dumb?

Interesting. My 25 years of experience in airports is that Latino and African American men tend to be the ones who don’t wash their hands.  Appreciate your perspective.

It absolutely was a beautiful, gut-wrenching and touching evening / tribute. Can we please be done now?! 

Hasn’t this been a trend for her in her life?

That’s terrible.


Fair question and one I can’t confirm as a 100%.

Agencies traditionally do work of this kind for non-profits, pro-bono.

Too many fools...

Millions believe Jesus heals too... so... keep on thinking Reiki is a real thing.  

Wow you’re naive.  Clinton lost because even Dems and Indies didn’t want to vote for her.  Please remember that Trump didn’t win as much as Clinton lost.  I mean, how badly do you have to suck to lose to Trump?  Look no further than HRC. 

I agree with you.

Why does Heather sound like a dude?

You’re a moron.

This whole pushing of the term “cancel” strikes me like the Jez staff trying to make Fetch happen (a la Meangirls)...STOP trying to make cancel happen it’s not going to happen! 

The videos and video production for Jez, The Root, et al, is really fucking pathetic.