
So, Dave isn't a champion of black people, yet the same jokes he says are heard in every black barber by your own admission. How does that make any sense? Sounds like, for better or worse, he shares the same opinion as a lot of black people, which would make him a champion of black people.

Yeah, he’s been working the clubs hard for years. I know who he is and I don’t use TikTok, I’m a stand-up nerd. The thing is, he’s actually capable of writing solid jokes. I’ve seen it. But he’s so caught up in his own ego and insecurities that he’s lost the plot. He wants to be hot, cool & edgy so fucking bad, that

Regardless of what Rife has done to earn the site’s ire or whether or not I think he’s “funny”, it is kinda disingenuous to act like he came out of nowhere on TikTok. He was a regular on MTV’s Wild n Out, among other MTV shows. He’s been building a mainstream comedy career for a while now.

My comment has nothing to do with the book— it seems interesting. I just need to point out to you that often gray commenters are better informed than the writers and approved commenters across these blogs. Not everyone is a troll. The elitist attitude of being an approved commenter sucks and being approved says

There is so, so much to unpack here regarding Wenner and how The Masters ended up the way that it is. At it’s core, it’s not complicated: His entire career is/was guided by biases that he refuses to recognize and combat. Thus, a rock retrospective that looks very little like the actual history of rock and roll, but

Lmao. Damn, that ain’t right...but he does.

He looks like a possessed marionette.

My time has come

She’s really has a thing for not attractive men.

This has nothing to do with whatever affair that Ariana Grande is happening. And I know she’s Glinda so she has to be blonde, but holy hell that shade of blonde is horrid on her with her skin tone. Just terrible.

Pushing fatness and pretending being fat is fine and positive is harmful. 

Holy poor health Batman!

Agree. This looks like her asking him a direct question and then getting mad that he answered her honestly (and, seemingly, per a request from her at some point).

“I never said you weren’t beautiful and I never said I didn’t love you… But I always said I would be honest with you and your face was changing so I told you it was,” Safyari wrote. He continued, “You gained 35 pounds obviously you gained weight and your face changes? Should I just pretend it didn’t happen and that

Yeah, hold up - she posted a private text that was, best I could tell, fairly gentle about the subject?  And he’s getting bashed?  We have zero context around this.

No, the private message is written in a way that it’s clearly answering a specific question she must have asked and it was meant as private communication between a couple. This should never have been shared with the public.

why make one blatant journalistic mistake

What a truly terrible, half-assed, ill-informed write-up.

You know who never has to deal with intimacy coordinators?

Couldn’t agree more on Edge of Tomorrow. I wonder if the soap opera title had something to do with it coming and going with barely a ripple, because it is a FANTASTIC movie.