Ha. no.
So you put lavs on your lapels and still the audio is fucking terrible? And nice job with those lights. You’re a bunch of real professionals over there. You guys are a media company? Really? That shit is fucking terrible. This is an amateur hour bullshit; get your act together!
And not a single “fuck” used in a consenting sexual interaction... what total bullshit.
You’re an idiot.
I’m sorry?
Heart is more classic rock than The Rolling Stones?
Than Queen?
Than Zeppelin?
Than The Who?
You might need some mental health assistance but please take a star...
me too
It was a Tauntaun (pronounced /ˈtɔːn-tɔːn/) were a species of non-sentient lizards native to the snowy plains of Hoth. They were used by members of the Rebel Alliance after they domesticated some of them when they built their new headquarters on Hoth.[2]
You’re offer is very kind but please remember... it was “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...” so I don’t know if that will help.
Exactly. Was about to write the same thing...
I didn’t get that vibe AT ALL.
That mess looks dumb as hell...
Non trolling question here: Do we think the Yankees pitching was THAT good or that the Twins bat’s just kinda failed to show up?
Go Braves!
Hamilton, you’ve always been a bit hyperbolic and hysterical, but you’re seriously pushing your own limits here.
Kraft had to. He’s facing his own sexual scandal and certainly can’t be seen as soft on this...
n e w s ... somehow...
I didn’t hear him say that what he did, that his part in all of this, was inappropriate and wrong, but it was. I can’t speak to his resignation or what the consequences should be or should have been but, he’s certainly not out there apologizing, so kinda... fuck him. He’s acting pretty weasely “My eight colleagues…
I certainly support and applaud her but she did NOT hand him his ass. Jack, you should be ashamed at your click-bait-bs.