
Sports Night was terrible and the fact that you don’t mention A Few Good Men or The Social Network (as monumental pieces of work; because they were/are) totally discredits you as a source anyone should listen to (with regard to Aaron Sorkin) I’m sure you’re very well versed about... something else...

Paul, relax.  Don’t be so bitter.  You’ll be a happier person if you can just try and find some things in life to enjoy.  Try praise instead of ridicule. You CAN be happy (not with the Newsroom clearly) but, ya know, something else...

I came here to write the exact same thing... glad I read first.

I was on a flight to Tokyo recently and rewatched The Last Jedi , just to see if it was really as bad as I remembered and holy shit it’s fucking terrible...

I ❤️ her.

If a boss has a billion or .25 it does NOT give an employee the right to be massively fucking around on company time. Time theft hurts companies of ALL sizes, so FUCK YOU VERY MUCH, you entitled little shit.