
You’d have loved picking the brains of my old bosses. (not literally) haha

Does this count? I think this should count.

I don’t think he has that card available to him in arena 6...that’s available only in 9 I believe.

As I’ve said before, Gretzky wouldn’t score 200 points a year in today’s NHL.

I love hearing an American’s impersonation of a Canadian.. it’s like how we assume you all.. *ahem* “y’all”, walk an easy to understand 660ft to a furlong to fuck your cousin. But you don’t! Because that’s silly, why limit yourself? When there is livestock, family pets, inanimate objects.. and they are only 220yds

Go fuck yourselves.

For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

A good example of not rushing to judgement would be refraining from shooting another person in a fit of road rage.

If these neighbors were smart, they’d take these pics and put them on io9.

So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

You are a problem because you have an anime avatar. Not buying fake money is not why.

Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.

If you run into an asshole in the morning, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day then you’re the asshole.

Now, that’s not fair to say we don’t have anyone like that! How can you forget Canada’s Swiss Army Knife, Rod Black!??! That man is fully capable of covering all sports with the exact same level of mediocrity, from coast to coast.

Must be hard at this point to be pro-Preller and move forward.

Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!

If a shoe and apparel company wants advertising on the site in association with a viral hoax they can call our sales department.

I mean, shit, driving a horse is a sport, so might as well.

Well when your childhood was deprived of such vehicles, riding a waverunner was one of those things that was actually better than you could have dreamt it.