I, too, loved him as Andy and loved the April/Andy couple. However, yes, he would do that and he would expect you to find it *hilarious*.
Cannibal Witch tells it like it is! Cannibal Witch is a real straight shooter! Merica!
I vote for George, who emailed it from KA’s email address.
Situational Best Chris!
You know there were people on the other side of the door giggling.
I was in high school when the cosmo centerfold came out and I was horrified/amazed. It was the coolest, most scandalous thing.
I call bullshit, whoever it is still sucks and allows this garbage fire to continue, so no they don’t get any praise from me or forgiveness, because they are still a republican asshole in the WH.
This Cazzie David could have made a deeper incision commenting on her surgical procedures and plastics (yeah I know, but work with me here!), but then again she ain’t as petty as I am
His movies with Dom D. were worth the bloopers alone. (And his existence gave us Norm MacDonald’s impression, which is truly a gift.) He was a great actor when given the chance, but Cannonball will always be my fave!
Did I miss the Burt Reynolds post?
The snakes only gravitates to places with lots of rats.
Cosumer confidence highest in 18 years, Atlanta Fed forecasts 4.7 GDP, manufacturing jobs highest in many years. “It’s the story of the Trump Administration, the Economic Success, that’s unnerving his detractors.” @MariaBartiromo
Kim Jong Un of North Korea proclaims “unwavering faith in President Trump.” Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will get it done together!
The fact that the two leaders that Trump feels closest to are Putin and Kim Jong Un shows how unstable he truly is. Because those two know to feed his megalomania he considers them to be allies no matter what evidence to the contrary there is. When leaders of countries that are actual allies disagree with him they are…
JLaw always seems to me to be trying too hard. It’s like she wants to project an anti-celebrity every-woman image so bad, it comes off as ultra out of touch celebrity.