
Or, hear me out on this . . . don’t.

The thing about Arsenal is they’re always tryin’a walk it in. 

I don’t get why this is getting presented as a ‘mental illness,’ as such. I feel like the news media is deliberately trying to make it seem as though she left competition for anxiety or depression (both would be just fine by the way, my point is it is inaccurate, not that those wouldn’t be perfectly good reasons not

Hmmm, they need to do a better job of pushing the Clear and Global Entry benefits. I used to fly out of Denver constantly and Clear was some of the best money I ever spent.

Feel free to phrase it: ‘did you gamble with employee lives to slightly increase profits during a once in a generation catastrophe?’ and ‘how do you plan on handling it this fall when cases skyrocket but the option of a vaccine makes people reticent to wear masks, socially distance, or work from home?’

You’ll notice that a lot of these behaviors, whether it’s eating too much or using prescription medicines, don’t necessarily seem like a sign of distress.

Never watched the movies, but man neither of them seemed to make much use of that crowbar . . .

You do you buddy. 

some people are strong enough to break the door down—even with the doorstop in place

Thanks, that is quite good to know. I like it because it plays nicely with every single device I have and was cheap, but I’m definitely not married to it. I appreciate the info. 

True, another issue with buying anything even slightly fancy in bulk as far as cheese is concerned.

What a weird angry set of double down comments.

Grey area related to ‘rubber duck coding,’ where you explain your issue out loud to an inanimate (or I suppose animate, a dog would probably work) object and in the process of explaining it you find whatever step you were missing that was causing your code not to run. It’s a great tool for when you are trying to

Just a word to the wise, anything but American cheese or things like grated sharp cheddars are going to survive their journey. Tried to freeze a few things like goat cheese over the years and was met with unimpressive results.

So, general question for the crowd. Private Internet Access, which I have been happily using for years, used to be quite common on these lists of ‘three best VPNs,’ or ‘some VPNs you might want to try,’ etc, but these days I never see it. Did they get caught up in something I missed, or have they just fallen out of

For the love of god, if you are out of college unless you absolutely can’t afford it (and I understand some people can’t, no judgements if that isn’t your situation, the recent years have been rough), just hire movers. The ratio of dollars: annoyed friends is a freaking steal. It’s one of the wonderful personal

This is a great example of ‘everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten.’ You can’t tell someone something then say ‘oh by the way that was a secret,’ and expect them to keep your secret, gotta mention that first.

If you are doing any area bigger than a bathroom or small kitchen rent a walk-behind floor scraper. It’ll be the best $40 you ever spent. You get to stand rather than crawl around on the floor bruising your knees and scrapping your knuckles, and it will take 10% as long. They are also stupidly easy to operate. Can you

I’m so deeply jealous of people who can game while working out. Best I can do is a podcast or an audiobook. I don’t know if it is the motion, or the lack of focus or what, but I just can’t seem to manage it. Whenever I see someone at the gym on an exercise bike with a switch I little piece of me dies. Have pity on me

I’m so deeply jealous of people who can game while working out. Best I can do is a podcast or an audiobook. I don’t

Yeah, I thought it was clear from the way the paragraph was organized that I meant that same person who was in fact cheating. But I’ll clarify that is what I meant.