By all means, advocate for yourself, but do remember it took them decades to gain the knowledge they have. You didn’t uncover the flaw with vaccines in your mommies group.
By all means, advocate for yourself, but do remember it took them decades to gain the knowledge they have. You didn’t uncover the flaw with vaccines in your mommies group.
Any shot at an article like this that includes male hairlines? I’m not balding, but if you’re male and old enough to drive you’re not really going to end up with any of the clean-cut curved hairlines that would lead to these measurements working. If you are actually balding my guess is it’s all out the window.
Ugh, gaslighting is one of those terms where I feel like if there were some way to track correct and incorrect usage it would be 75% incorrect.
Gotta disagree on Skyrim. It is by no means a complicated game, but a super open world situation is not a great entry point. The game sort of assumes you already have the feel of RPGs at least in the ‘hmmmm, that character mentioned something, maybe I should look into it,’ thing. Start with things that are a little…
Yeah, the unavoidable helicoptering isn’t going to be my thing.
Or . . . and hear me out on this . . . Rage rage against the dying of the light!
Maybe I’m boring . . . probably I’m boring, but I was immediately thinking of travel docs when I saw this feature.
Dogs can hear decibels so high they’re inaudible to humans
One of the major benefits behind preventative healthcare like this is that it decreases costs as a product of it’s use. The vaccine is literally saving billions of taxpayer dollars in illnesses and deaths, and that is before you factor in the losses that were coming from the stagnating economy.
How are you feeling? Are you adjusting ok? It must be weird having been knocked unconscious and falling into a coma in March of 2020 and just having woken up.
So . . . it’s exactly like on the ground. Let the authority who’s supposed to handle the situation handle the situation, unless there is a direct physical threat or someone with the authority to do so has asked for your help. Don’t get in the middle of shouting matches that don’t concern you. And, documenting things…
Right? The factcheck I posted was the first or second search result for ‘who opposes vaccine for teens.’ I didn’t even need to add ‘ridiculous nonsense,’ or ‘according to your dipsh*t racist uncle.’ I’d be shocked to find out it took me more than 15 seconds to find the right answer as well as an explanation for why…
The WHO was always in favor of teens getting the vaccine. There was a BS article that went around social media claiming it had reversed that opinion.
What are you talking about? Of course there is a gradient of responsibility levels. You don’t just go from completely incapable of choices on your last day being 17 to a rational human being on your first day at 18. Humans develop mentally over time.
I would never tell anyone to lie about having parental consent, or get a relative who is smarter than your parents to help you get vaccinated, or even lie about your age. I would never point out that lots of mobile vaccine stations can be sort of slapdash about this stuff and might not check too closely, and I would…
I feel like if this issue is so common you are planning your laundry and sleeping arrangements around it, a trip down to the ole GP may be in order.
I’ve got a terrycloth robe on the back of the door. If sh*t gets so real I can’t manage to grab that before getting out of the house, I’ve got bigger issues than some news based nudity.
How did Minecraft not make this list? Most successful game in history with lots of monotonous parts and very little gameplay dependent on the sound? Well . . . short of ‘hhhsssssssssssss’
How did Minecraft not make this list? Most successful game in history with lots of monotonous parts and very little…
That was my thought on my guest bathroom as well, but it turned out to just not be that big of a deal, so I never tried it.
Looks like most of my issues with this article, and there are plenty, are covered by other commenters, but as the person who may potentially have to open up that receptacle next, for the love of god don’t do that crap with the electrical tape.