It’s weird how specific celebrities can be these days. I saw the title and was sure you were talking about Rober (major fan here) and yet to half the commenters he is just some rando, and they can’t understand how he worked at NASA.
It’s weird how specific celebrities can be these days. I saw the title and was sure you were talking about Rober (major fan here) and yet to half the commenters he is just some rando, and they can’t understand how he worked at NASA.
And yet lifehacker somehow missed that trick. It only took me a couple minutes on google to figure it out, but it almost creates a deadname scavenger hunt while I try to figure out what Elliot Page used to be called.
If this were at all a real question I’d happily answer it. Instead, I’m just going to say stop being a d**k for no reason . . .
“there’s never a reason to publish someone’s deadname in a story”
I’m a little confused too. It’s hugely important to me to call people the right name. It’s the absolute minimum level of respect you can show someone, but as someone who is getting closer and closer to being an old myself it’s not instinctual so sometimes I need it spelled out like I’m five.
people usually survive landslides less than 0.9 meters deep and rarely survive ones over 5.9 meters
I’m not a huge fan of this because I find the vapor off the cocoa makes the peppermint stick lose a bit of it’s integrity then I’ve got tacky fingers until I go wash them off.
I know you briefly touch on this, but just to clarify, what you’re talking about is a battery tender. Many many trickle chargers are not designed as battery tenders and are built specifically to completely recharge a dead or almost dead battery. Basically, all tenders trickle charge, but not all trickle chargers will…
Just remember it’s not about you.
Or, you know, get a wine that is well rated and vaguely within your intended price range then let the recipient decide whether they want to drink it, serve it to others, save it for summer . . .
Headline: Don’t use your oven’s self cleaning function
Be careful over interpreting that one. Lots of people who aren’t comfortable with huge amounts of eye contact or backchanneling are having a TON of trouble in a Zoom world where you stare directly into everyone’s eye’s for the whole conversation.
That was always my suspicion too.
I’m convinced this is half the reason a lot of people don’t like eggnog. They grab the carton from the store and pour themselves a water glass full, then invariably end up in a sweaty diabetic coma.
Building a PC is interesting, with everything else people basically tend to fall along a bell-curve with most people fitting somewhere in between being horrible at something and amazing at it. But, with building a PC I’m rattling off friends and acquaintances in my head and everyone I know would consider a self-build…
This is one I did as a kid. Apparently, upon seeing an African American man in a quiet bank while my parents were working on loan documentation I felt the need to grab their attention and loudly ask, ‘why is that man a chocolate man.’
Loving the comments section. Fully reinforcing the ‘police are technical support for white people,’ stereotype.
and it being an election year
How does this happen? He has the money to get it done right and we know he isn’t worried about the pandemic. Use Trump’s guy, that orange isn’t coming off without lye.
I’m fully with you that it is wrong. I was just pointing out that is one of the values of even the most ridiculous degree from the lowest tier college on earth.