
I don’t happen to like kids, but I’m also not insane. Of course they are going to be places and make mistakes because that is how kids and the world work. The people who never want a kid to act badly anywhere ever, or just stay home are being unreasonable, but having seen lots of parents (especially internationally) ha

Or, you know they’re being super rude and parents who willfully fight with their kids in a restaurant are being rude. Maybe you shouldn’t do either. For their part, the divorces tend to hit happy hours. It doesn’t even occur to a lot of parents to try to minimize the damage that way. 

I’d be shocked if this has ever taken my friends more than sixty seconds to remove their children from the inappropriate context. It’s typically more like 30.

You’ve got the kid wearing clothes don’t you?

You want to not hear or see a child.

Haha, yeah these days I’ve mostly transitioned to silently judging. In a weird twist, one of the oddly nice things about COVID has been that now there is an item of clothing that can immediately give me a major indicator of what kind of human being I’m likely dealing with.

True, this really wasn’t meant to shoot down every possible example of giving advice being rude, but the sort of tenor of national conversation these days, and indeed the title of the article, is never give advice to a parent. That thinking gets old for those of us expected to grin and bear the consequences of every

So, I think something that parents have forgotten from their non-kid days is that often, maybe even most of the time, the non-parent giving the advice doesn’t care what you do with your kid, they are trying to find the most polite way possible to say ‘handle X issue and handle it now.’ They feel like it’s more polite

The trick someone taught me when I was dating that has honestly never let me down is if someone looks at you when they think something is funny they are into you. There’s got to be some cool evolutionary reason for checking in on our crush’s senses of humor that someone should study, because it may be the best dating

Haha, I’ll extend that to adults who are out in public as well. Basically watched a whole episode of some random drama while waiting for a car repair recently. The woman blasting it on her laptop seemed unconcerned that it wasn’t my thing.

Haha, that is literally how I meant it, but Edgar’s way makes more sense, I’ll probably adjust from here on out.

That’s interesting. I’ve often used that expression as a shortcut for ‘form a queue of haters here,’ not ‘Roll film, now cue haters.’ I have to say, with the phrasing your way does make more sense, though I like my visual better. Next time maybe I’ll say ‘queue up,’ or ‘queue forms here.’

As a non-parent, parents I implore you, please lean into societal safety nets like the kids menu.

Are the people arguing ‘the two parties are equally shady, the Dems are just as bad,’ disingenuous or just honestly that unaware?

Donate to your party in states with key battles going on. Your calls mean nothing to people who aren’t your reps, your dollars can mean a lot to getting certain people booted.

It always cracked me up in elementary school when they’d try to get parents to bring in used toilet paper rolls for some ridiculous thing they wanted us to make, then they’d be in a panic the week before because no sane person with sh*t to do (pun intended) has ever collected toilet paper rolls in a bag then sent

Our local schools are having people do voluntary testing only if they feel they need it (even with known exposures) and voluntarily report results, after which they send out this really happy chart with our low low COVID numbers.

I’m so sick of these ‘non-rules,’ everywhere right now. ‘We encourage you to wear a mask,’ or ‘masks must be worn on check in,’ or my personal favorite right now is bars where you don’t have to wear a mask while you have a drink. There is one down the road from me checking IDs with masks then letting everyone take

Honest question, what does ‘leaving the 31st mean?’ If it means that is the last day it’s around, then it makes total sense that is how Netflix would try and schedule the rights.

Darn, missed opportunity.