More than public shame individuals, if you see a business not taking it seriously boycott. Hopefully they will go out of business and be replaced by someone who will be a responsible member of the community.
More than public shame individuals, if you see a business not taking it seriously boycott. Hopefully they will go out of business and be replaced by someone who will be a responsible member of the community.
Just an FYI. Mostly for manufacturing reasons, many of the companies on this list aren’t adding the full FDA required 60% alcohol you need to have an effective sanitizer. You’ll see it labeled as “hand cleanser,” a lot of places for that reason. There is a very real argument to be made for a hand sanitizer below that…
Could be. When I did the tour, the story they tell is basically that she had a mystic tell her she would die when construction was complete so she just kept construction going. It could very well just be more marketable than “she was just sort of weird.” I guess the ghosts thing came later. Again, as per the 12 buck…
Fair. I have a similar situation with frozen veggies as we speak. I only felt the need to bring it up because now is not the time for people to be throwing out food early.
Word to the wise. Eggs last WAY longer than most Americans think when refrigerated. Do some googling for a number you are comfortable with, but the date on thin carton is just nonsense.
My wife and I have more than once managed to avoid me getting her sick, and vice versa, by sleeping in separate rooms, washing hands, and keeping surfaces clean. We didn’t have to “not be with each other,” we just had to spend a couple of days cleaning well and not making out.
Constructed in 1884, the property is said to be haunted by the ghosts of people killed with Winchester rifles, which were the creation of its original owner’s widow Sarah Winchester.
If the idea that “I don’t need to worry for X reason,” has crossed your mind in any real way, then you are either insanely ignorant, or a level of selfish and solipsistic I have trouble processing.
Because it’s definitely one or the other. I mean, there is no way for me to simultaneously be concerned about a lack of tests and want the virus named along WHO guidelines in a way that isn’t going to cause an unnecessary racist backlash. I’m only one person.
Don’t Trust Mobile Carriers About Late Payment Forgiveness for COVID-19
Racism aside, is it just me or is “kung flu,” just not all that funny of a joke? If you could somehow remove the racism from it, it would still barely qualify for a groan as a dad joke.
You turn off the faucet after drying your hands so that you can use the same paper towel to avoid touching the faucet 500 other people (yourself 30 seconds ago with your unwashed hands included) touched that week. It wastes a little more water, but it also works better, and that extra half cup of water is probably a…
Ugh, I hate myself for getting dragged into this, but this is absolutely not beyond politics. Specifics aside, policies affect the funding in these situations, who ends up with what authorities, what the tone of the message is the public hears. This is a VERY important time to be discussing how and by whom you want…
Just be careful to think all this through before you blast someone on social media, mistreat a rep, or call in a legal team.
Extend this to any performer you might see somewhere as well. I worked as a musician for years before moving into my current job and I still keep a handful of rotating gigs going just for the fun of it. All of them have been cancelled. It’s no big deal, since for me it’s just a hobby with an upside these days, but for…
Ugh, I’m going to keep myself from the rant where I point out the number of your neighbors that are in serious danger daily that you could protect and support in dramatic ways with almost no effort and say, yes. If covid is all that will get you to treat the people around you with compassion and respect, then it’s…
Keep an eye on this by all means. It’s important and a very relevant part of what it means to be a modern parent, but just pay attention to how much Netflix/Hulu/whatever you watch.
I keep wondering if this sellout is as real as people seem to think it is. My annoying schedule has me in 3 towns weekly that are relatively far apart and granted, the Target and the grocery store were both sold out, but Staples, Best Buy and the dollar store all had some. So did a gas station near me. I already have…
Ouch, I’m a nice looking upper-middle class white guy, so I was probably in the privilege line and didn’t know it. At some point it should stop surprising me that things like this aren’t just routine and solidly boring for everyone.
Don’t think I’ve ever had a customs agent do more than glance through the stamps section of my passport, much less an airline. I can’t imagine someone noticing a specific stamp unless they were looking for it. The person who decided to memorize this stamp, which if they are local they probably occasionally see, then…