Yeah . . . no. When more people use a word “wrongly” than “correctly,” there is a new “correct.” Otherwise, the earliest book wins and the language ceases to be useful because it can no longer serve its one function, facilitating communication.
Yeah . . . no. When more people use a word “wrongly” than “correctly,” there is a new “correct.” Otherwise, the earliest book wins and the language ceases to be useful because it can no longer serve its one function, facilitating communication.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe this is staged, but so many people who go out regularly wear ridiculous crap. A girl I use to ride with (friend of a friend) had been riding for years and went out all summer in short-shorts and a tank top.
If you honestly lack all, emphasis on the “all,” feelings of inadequacy, I’d argue what you lack is self awareness. No one is perfect at all the things they have to do in a day, and none of us goes through life without occasionally going through something that pushes us beyond our capabilities at the time.
I always wonder how big a difference any of it makes, but sometimes you see companies lay off their stuff at least a little due to public pressure. I can’t imagine it hurts.
Meh, we all just do our best. I avoid the companies I happen to know have done/are doing something particularly evil, but the reality is there isn’t time to research every owner of every company I’m forced to deal with.
Food allergies are a little like support animals these days. Lots of people are totally full of it, but it’s so important to the ones that actually need them that we all just have to grin and bear the ones who are lying for whatever reason.
As much fun as it is looking for my neighbors names (even though I’m pretty sure I know who the Trumpster Fires are). Is there a businesses only version of this? I’d love to know which local places I should be avoiding.
This is coming from someone who doesn’t use the bunny ear method, so I have no dog in this fight, but what is wrong with bunny ears on your shoes? It’s just a slightly different knot. Is it somehow less functional? I’ll have to try it this week and report back.
hooray for being male and the “rub all over,” method working great.
I have a brother who learned to type playing video games, and to this day he can type 60ish words per minute with the thumb, index, and middle finger on each hand. Because, ring and pinky have to be up and prepped to cast spells.
yeah, this is like a 20 sec difference. Your post intridued me so I tried it haha.
Gotta do the rhyme or the knuckles. that is one I’ll cop to.
I actually read somewhere this is closer to 50/50 than an abnormality, so don’t feel too alone. that being said . . . wtf.
I don’t get why it is suddenly the inferior method. I can do both (the non-bunny one is my go to) but does the bunny one not hold as well? WTF is the issue?
Jesus, so I learned on manual, so it’s my default, and the person lacking the lifeskills was whomever it was that tried to teach you at the airport. . .
buy a straight razor and jump on youtube. You’ll either learn, or you’ll never know you failed.
I touchtype qwerty at something like 80wpm. I won’t be setting any records, but have never felt deficient. Well, because of damage to my hands, I’ve decided to switch to Colemak and suddenly I look at the keyboard constantly. I feel silently judged any time I type in public. I know no one cares, but I want to die.
Top trick, like number one by a mile: buy a big ass longboard, 36" plus. They smooth a lot of weirdness with the roads. Even out your speeds, even out your turns, keep you from the dreaded pebble of death scenario, make for a much more comfortable ride because of the flex. Even top skateboarders will tell you…
I taught my wife how to ride a bike as a part of her thirtieth birthday. She’s still vaguely wobbly if we aren’t somewhere riding condusive, but she really enjoys it these days.
God I hope not! That poor bastard is going to be paying for my bad decisions for decades.