
Avoiding dog licks falls on the far side of the “extends my life vs enriches my life,” boundry. Health risks aside, they aren’t worth giving up. 

It’s disconcerting how many ages have some version of “it get’s better.” I’m just hoping we aren’t dealing with literal survivor bias there.

Fight Club. Most overrated movie I’ve ever seen.

Actually,” or words/phrases like “in actuality,” or “factually,” are becoming more relevant now that “literally,” can mean either “literally,”or “figuratively.”

I find my Tourette’s tends to flair up when people loudly take business calls/facetimes near me. I don’t say anything to the person themselves, I just see if I can teach whomever is on the other end of the phone some new words. 

I feel like 80% of these were “what to do with your ashes after cremation,” which is interesting, but still the original answer was “cremation.”

In addition to keeping them home, keep them inside for the night unless you are certain they can’t jump your fence. My last neighborhood had sort of short fences, about a foot shorter than is typical in a suburb, and every year a half dozen dogs would panic and jump fences, and nextdoor would just turn into an echo

For all the greys, I know this will probably fall on deaf ears or be intentionally misunderstood, but there are those of us who think it is more patriotic to question and examine your country, that you can love something and still understant it can have serious flaws, and that we’re all in this together, so we should

Thanks for mentioning the 72 hours thing. A huge pet peeve of mine is people saying “I ate dinner at X restaurant and woke up a few hours later with food poisoning. I’m never going back.”You know what restaurant you can almost categorically rule out as the cause of your food poisoning? The last one. Bacteria isn’t

One thing to remember though is, if you do fall for a scam don’t beat yourself up about it. Learn your lesson (don’t skip that part) and move on. These people are litterally professionals and you were/are a fish out of water. Given the right circumstances, psychology, and skill of the con-artist anyone can fall for a

With all due respect, the only answer to this is: exactly the way your doctor tells you to.

100% honest question. What is it that anti-abortion groups get out of this, or what are they attempting to get.

Something like 400 words to get to the definition of “passive.”

Awesome. If tipping turns into a big enough pain in the a$$ maybe we can move on to a society where people get a living wage for the work they do and aren’t at the whims of the random mood swings of their customers just to survive.

Shaming doesn’t work, no matter how much you wish it did.

Am I the only one who isn’t totaly sold on Abella’s new hair color? Or, er, I mean porn? what is this po-ren of which you speak?

Solid use.

You can also combine this with “Rubber Duck Coding.” Explain it to a pet, a stuffed animal, or a toy duck or something like that. You don’t actually need the human feedback to get the benefits of organizing your thoughts to explain them. 

Right, I was 99% joking, but it’s never a bad idea to warn people to be careful with iron supplements. I remember reading somewhere that they were one of the top, if not the top, accidental poisoning agent for children.