
In a similar vein, know your insurance’s rules on multiple devices.

Haha, weirdly aggressive comment from the greys calling people who give reviews “tw*ts.

My main complaint about them is that these reviewers who had such truly awful meals like to hide behind their keyboards instead of explaining the problem to a server or manager.

The world already has way way too many kids whose parents are only mostly interested in being parents. It’s too big/important of a job to take on if being a parent isn’t one of your desperate lifelong needs.

Wait, so she wants credit for ending slavery, but not responsibility for it having happened in the first place? 

That’s not the Virginia I know!

He may not have been in favor of binging per se, but he was one of the earliest proponents of letting people record the episodes for later viewing and non commercial use, as well as allowing them to control when they and their children had access to content.

I’d smile like Jack Nicholson playing the Joker for the kind of money she makes. They’d have to be sedating me between takes so I didn’t look insane.

Queue the fear of “chemicals,” posts.

Always forget what racist dimwits populate the greys here. That’s on me. 

F*ck, I always forget what kind of racist trash is in the greys here. 

No white guilt here at all. I just have in honest interest in seeing others enjoy the breaks I have gotten. I don’t need to feel “guilty,” about it, like so many neocons like to pretend, to want to change it.

Of course they mean for us to save them up. That was exactly my point. At 1 blade I’m sure it’s a waste. I want to know what the magic number is where it’s not a waste anymore, and if that number actually exists in any realistic sense. I’m sure if I load up a truck with bags of razors a la Miracle on 34th Street I

I’m a dismantler at heart, but I think I’m probably in the biggest category of “woke white people,” the ineffectual ones. I want to help, but I my own life gets away from me and suddenly another day/week/month goes by and all I’ve really done is shut down a racist joke or two and maybe put someone on the spot for

Have an Armenian sister in law and have had trouble explaining this to her. It’s not my fault she’s caucasian, it’s geography’s. 

3.5 oz cross country is still 3.5 oz cross country. That energy cost doesn’t change just because the truck is already going there. Granted, it’s obviously more efficient than shipping one razor by itself, but it’s not a free trip, and according to this article, there would be a lot of them. There’s also the packaging

It’s also kind for the other people who get to board early. I’m thinking of the disabled and veterans, two groups who have been through plenty without having to experience more time around a frustrated five year old. 

I may end up doing some of these things, if I have time, in the interest of “hey, lets put a little more goodwill into the world,” but this is not “the proper etiquette for leaving a hotel room.”

Guilty/Not Guilty, I feel like we did all this with Jackson already, twice.

God the comment sections to articles like this get old. Everyone is so excited to pat themselves on the back for their own taste and make sure everyone knows that not only do they prefer something, but that it is somehow objectively better.