
Language is what people do with it. “Marie Kondo,” could very well end up a verb, though I imagine it will be more of a trend than anything. We have tons of eponyms that are verbs. Boycott, mentor, sillhouette, lynch, etc, and if you start including names followed by “-ize,” pretty much anyone with a strongly

Honest question. I wonder how many razors need to be in a shipment to offset the ecological cost of that shipment. I mean, driving one razor blade around the country has to be a net loss, but is 10? 100? I have a feeling that unless you are a business, or for some reason use a lot of razors, this is going to end up

Hmmm, I don’t know if I find that rude. It’s definitely rude dinner conversation, but they are trying to determine whether or not you will be an asset to them, and like it or not past behavior is a great predictor of future behavior. It seems extremely relevant. Obviously, you absolutely shouldn’t ask someone that on

I think they mean explosive in the sense of happening dramatically and quickly, not explsive like TNT. But yeah, I don’t doubt that meaning is in there too. Just like most words, the etymology is sloppy and convoluted.

Dammit . . . that’ll teach me to give the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, he’s a tool. 

It’s been in use for something like 30 years. Clickbait may feel that old, but I think it’s a newer phenomenon.

the book, which went on to peak at No. 2 on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list and received a seismic amount of media coverage due in no small part to the enduring cultural fascination with her brother Michael.

Agreed. It definitely seems like the joke is “you write about food for a living, why are you letting him in your kitchen?” Sort of a dumb joke, but I don’t think it was meant to be a sexist one. 

Hmmm, ok so obviously my list would be different than a lot of peoples, and I’m going to take a lot of liberties here in the name of “greater L.A.” but I’ve got a lot of friends who are interested in science, so The La Brea Tar Pits are usually something I take someone like that to, along with Griffith observatory.

Remember that air moves, so your “no cat,” room might not be as cat free as you think. If they say it isn’t working for them, believe them.

Haha, that is a really common one. 

I have a similar issue with “veggie burgers,” though at this point they are so common, I should probably just let it go. I have tasted some AWESOME veggie burgers. One of my favorite recipes is a veggie burger. It is not however, a burger. It is a great sandwich and pretting it’s a burger is just weird. It makes it

At least they aren’t trying to make it worse. 

Keep in mind, he could just be venting to you because he feels like it’s a place he can do that (it’s not, he shouldn’t, but he may feel that way).

This is a hard one because there are an awful lot of things that are touristy nightmares, where you’ll be herded around like cattle, but ultimately the thing you came to see delivers.

Yeah, I was born in a little town called Fallbrook where we had an avocado festival every year. There were orchards of avocados everywhere. We’d have 5 gallon buckets of them go bad, and use them to play fetch with the dog when he’d run over to you with one. He used to eat one or two a day. Needless to say his coat

Pick the best avocados you can find, not the one that might yield 5% more fruit. Quality over quantity. Use the stem test. 

. . . you could risk confiscation or worse in an international country.

Yup lol, it’s called “Does the Dog Die.”