To everyone queueing up to chastize the family: not everyone is close with their family.
To everyone queueing up to chastize the family: not everyone is close with their family.
Right, but I think their point was that if she had been properly advocated for as someone with mental illness, the bail wouldn’t have been a problem.
Why is the word of some rando enough to get you thrown in the back of a police car? Shouldn’t you have to actually do something? . . . I’m asking rhetorically, I know why it was enough.
I’m going through something a little like you in that people keep telling me to “relax, it will all come together in the end,” and I agree. A. yeah maybe, but effort still seems warranted, and B. have you ever f’ing tried to “relax and not worry about it.”
There are lots of pieces of advice that basically boil down to “you have to respect everyone’s opinions and feelings,” which on the face of it is really good advice, but I’m beyond sick of it being used to justify the most outlandish and insane (read:racist, homophobic) behavior. I don’t have to respect anyone’s…
For other gaming/anime nerds with an interest in ASL, The Dragon Prince on Netflix has a deaf character who uses largely accurate ASL.
ASL interpreter here and four fingers are plenty.
Not for nothing, but this can also help you avoid shadow bans. Lots of review sites leave your reviews at the bottom of the page if all you do is harp on things. Leaving positive reviews occasionally lets the site know that you’re a well reasoned person who had an issue with a service/product, not one of the old men…
I don’t see one person mocking you. I see a lot of people disagreeing with you, which is exactly what you were doing in the first place, which is fine.
Every once in a while they’ll do that on The Root. It always helps me start my day with a little sense of unearned self superiority, if only because I’ll probably go the whole day without using a racial slur or defending someone who killed a teenager.
I never know what to do about inaccurate criticism. Being told I suck or am an idiot is fine. I’m of the opinion that if people don’t think what you say is wrong at least occasionally, then you aren’t really saying anything, so go right ahead and tell me how I’m naïve and haven’t researched the topic.
I disagree with almost everything you said, but I actually had something just like this happen. I said that I found a specific tech spec of an old German war tank to be really amazing and some rando who happened to overhear thought I was praising Nazis.
Ironically, it’s the same bigots who are scared to accidentally go on a first date with someone who isn’t CIS that are making it a possibility in the first place.
He’s definitely an idiot, but I’ll admit that keeping up with language can get tricky. My poor 72 year old father, who legitimately tries to be egalitarian, and is one of the “I don’t care what they want to do in their bedrooms,” types still has trouble avoiding words like “trannie,” because he honestly isn’t up to…
I don’t disagree with the point you are trying to make, but the f*** being an acronym thing is one of those myths that refuses to die.
“Unavailability of materials?”
Yeah, I have exactly one friend who I honestly believe has a gluten issue. She was diagnosed with celiac twenty something years ago, back when she had to explain to every single person: what celiacs is, and what gluten is.
This is one of those times I had to check my personal bias pretty heavily. I watched the video and thought to myself “wow, she’s acting like a nut, but she’s probably scared too and just wants this over.” It took a few seconds before my brain caught up with my instincts and went “nah, there’s no way if those were…