
Careful with the light boxes. My understanding is that, while the science is still out, there’s at least some evidence to show they can trigger mania in those with bipolar.

Top tier dick response from a guy who, at best, has ridiculously bad judgement, but I’m already spinning so many outrage plates these days that I have trouble getting my hackles up over anything short of some solid racism, sexism, or xenophobia.

Thanks for the article. Appropriation, and how it affects other communities is a really hard thing to get as a white person, and articles that contain nuance and context make that easier. 

Awesome take. As a white guy, appropriation can be hard for me to grasp sometimes, because I tend to think to myself “I like the things I like, why is this an issue,” but I’ve also never been on the side of having something reviled when I do it, then celebrated when another group does it, or having my culture

White guy take: Appropriation is messed up, but the late great Mr Ross can do no wrong.


Haha, yup when I hear the word “snowflake” come out of someone’s mouth, it’s like a flashing neon sign sayingwe’re probably not going to be friends, also I'm not a much of a deep thinker.

Even if you’re subtracting an ingredient, with things like sauces and soups, they often make a large batch in the morning. When people ask to leave something out, that can mean making up a small batch just for you. Lots of chefs will do it if they can make it work in their kitchen, but leaving things out can be more

Maybe it’s just me, but it would never even occur to me a substitution would be free by default. It’s always cool when they are, but I expect to pay more when I’m asking for additional time or cost of ingredients. Even when you leave something out, sometimes it means throwing together another quick version of a sauce

I think there is a small typo. When I saw “Rogan’s Site,” for a second I thought you meant this idiot:

Haha, great catch. I hate on touchscreen keyboards. I suppose there is a reason I’m not a transcriptionist.

As a native english speaking, hetero, cis, white male, age 18-49, so much of the western world is absolutely designed for me, with the slight exception that I’m taller than average, and it’s so easy to forget the degree to which I benefit from that. I can read every sign and menu, most people’s language defaults to

Dated a girl for a while who, at some point, told me her mother was sick, and she was going to die if she didn’t get an operation that was going to cost some non-trivial, but available amount of money from me. I think something like twenty grand.

Ugh. Now this holiday season, when I argue with my racist in-laws in favor of a bunch of crap that would, you know, help the disenfranchised (read: non-white), at least one of them is going to bust out this story.

To any customers I’ve pissed off, I’d say: If you’ve got a problem with me, pal, say it to my face.

Skip the crappy waist belts though (btw, should be a hip level belt as I believe someone already mentioned). The cheap waist belts that are basically just a piece of webbing will either do nothing, or if you actually put weight on them will dig in, and get sore and old in three minutes. If there isn’t at least some pad

It’s so weird. I just read that as a timeline. I’m not sure if I should be proud of not participating in the misogyny, or feel dimwitted for not seeing the implication that she was at a minimum, not helpful.

I used to live in an area where waitstaff were paid minimum wage, and though I decided to tip the same way I always had, I don’t judge anyone who decides not to handle it that way.

My wife and I have had this discussion more than once. She says tip then complain to the manager. I say that as a server, I’d rather not get a tip than have someone directly complain to my boss about me.

They can be. I have mounts in my car and next to my computer for mine. The big reason I got it though is it puts the weight of the phone on your middle or ring finger when you are holding it, rather than resting on the pinky the way I and a lot of other people do.

They can be. I have mounts in my car and next to my computer for mine. The big reason I got it though is it puts the