
Mansplaining is such an interesting cultural phenomenon, and something we should all, male and female, try to be more aware of. Why dilute its meaning to just being loudmouthed. This has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with being an egotistical . . . “rock star,” unless I’m misinformed about Post

Thanks, these are all great advice.

I couldn’t get through it either, but I’m very glad that the information is out there now, because of . . . reasons.

I’d rather live with the sound this kid was making on repeat inside my earbuds than have to listen to some of the racket people make at the gym.

Isn’t cutting a steak sort of ambidextrous? It only takes the absolute mildest level of coordination to perform either hand’s motions. I know I cut with the knife in my left hand, and I’m predominately right handed, and at the risk of sounding super hardcore and extreme, I’m pretty sure I could switch right now if I

Backing up to a cloud service is absolutely a form of backup. It should never be your only backup, but they all have their own weaknesses and strengths, and something that is instant, acessible from multiple locations, integrated into the device you take the photos with, and shareable by default with the members of my

Yeah, I was a few beers in, and might have been slightly more adamant than was necessary. I just hate on comments sections like this it always turns into this weird ethical thing where under NO circumstances can someone not deserve a tip.

I tip amazingly well, forty percent on mediocre service, right up until I tip zero. I want you to get the big tip. I’m rooting for you, and I’m never rude, short, mean, or demanding, but I don’t feel the need to tip just because.

Puff pastry and phyllo dough. For a massive amount of effort, I can make a puff pastry that might be 5% better than what can be purchased at a halfway decent grocery store. As far as phyllo dough goes, the frozen stuff is almost as good as the best home made stuff I’ve ever had in any country, and it takes a lifetime

I definitely feel for the couple, and this was absolute b*llshit, but I feel the tiniest bit bad for Alaska as well. They obviously don’t have a “Straight>Gay” corporate policy, so if we take this account as the 100% unaltered truth, it’s still just some jackass flight attendant who needs to be fired, yet it will be

I hate this kind of crap. I’ve always been of the opinion that the police should need more to go on before interacting with citizens, then last year I had two police cruisers pull up to me and demand to see I.D. because I fit the description of someone who had just robbed a house nearby. I’m 6'4" close to 300 pounds,

Great idea. My wife does tons of research and I think all but one time, she new exactly which hotel we were staying at before we booked it, but as the less research oriented of the two, I will definitely be using this the next time I book without her. 

I think this is at least partially a byproduct of the whole “emotional support animal,” thing. People see what they assume are actual service animals being treated like pets, running around unrestrained and unfocused, with the owners offering for everyone to pet them, and they think that is how you treat a service

That’s an excellent idea, assuming you have legitimate data points, but as the article points out, the issue is that the majority of the faked reviews are those 1 and 5 star reviews. With this kind of data interpretation, you’re only holding on to the reviews that are most likely to be faked or purchased.

My favorite “trick,” is to use negative reviews to look for attributes I personally find positive. This works really well with tech. If people start complaining about something being “too complicated,” or “not easy to use,” that’s a major positive, because as soon as I’m past the nasty learning curve, I’ll have access

Firefly, Rick and Morty or lots of adult swim works, Archer, The Office if you’re feeling that sort of social buzz but no one is around, How It’s Made all the endless conveyor belts are pure art, any good musical works as long as you know most of the words.

I’m loving the insane people who think it should have been a “more attractive,” black actress, which yeah, code for “whiter.”

Haha, which is clearly code for “I cause a lot of drama, but I’m high for most of it.” 

Never say you “hate drama.” You know who never has to point out how little they like drama, people who don’t cause any.

The hell you say?!? Beauty pageants are negligent with women’s rights and safety? Up is down, black is white, and well um pageants are pretty much what they’ve always been.