
Yeah, really outside of his acting, music has always been his other big focus. So him not knowing much about Star Wars, doesn’t really surprise me at all.

The ‘Double Discount’ sale for PS Plus subscribers this week easily makes up the yearly subscription price on it’s own. Let alone, for the rest of the year.

This is a shame. I LOVED the first one, and was really looking forward to this. But., on the plus side, I can put the $15 toward grabbing both of the Kingdom Hearts collections on sale this week on PSN (which I was planning to get also anyways) instead.

It is a quite fetching hat on the box art, though! All the translation issues aside, it’s a great game.

The new flavoured types are actually pretty good. Especially the caramel 0nes. I can’t stand the `plain’ ones either. (Which is what these are.)

The new flavoured types are actually pretty good. Especially the caramel 0nes. I can’t stand the `plain’ ones

There’s no “might” about it. Pendleton acknowledged this, himself. IMO, it doesn’t even come close in quality compared to the books.

I LOVED the first one. FF7 was when things started going downhill, IMO. When things started to feel much more like a movie than a game. So I am definitely looking forward to this!

Nah, they’re closer to the EGA stuff one could find on BBSes in the late 80s, VERY early 90s.

Hell, those are MUCH more readable than the rest of the shit she churns out!

That’s exactly what I was wondering, also. The original was amazing. So, this definitely concerns me, particularly the whole RTS stuff.

I gotta ask. What the hell is a dril tweet?

Is Damon’s career really in THIS bad of shape, after `The Great Wall’? This looks truly dreadful.

Hands down, my favourite FF game. To me it’s when everything came together just right. Don’t get me wrong, I liked VI. But to me, it felt like it was the start in some ways of making things more cinematic. Which VII really doubled down on, and I didn’t like at all.

Damnit! PSN just had to pick this week to make `Torment: Tides of Numera’ half off. I’ve already spent FAR more than I should have, on games this month. And next is going to be just as bad. I love Gust’s stuff. (I’m only missing one Atelier game) So, this will be bought. Just when, is the question.

I was just thinking that, myself. Or at the very least SOMETHING resembling an actual playable game. Some of the remade fan projects out there are FAR more intricate than this, I would think. Plus it sounds like there is actually something usable to work from.

As someone who at that point in my life, the 300 bps modem for my C64 was considered “cutting edge” at the time. I’m feeling damn old ATM.

Finally! A reason to get PSVR!!

It looks like it’s been eaten a few times before, already. It just looks nasty.

For ANYONE who bought/read comics during the 90s, there is only one acceptable answer: THEY’RE EVIL!

Except for her two brief appearances in DB and DBS, Araele really is a Doctor Slump character. That being said, I’d be all for her being playable. And while we’re on the subject of characters we’d love to see included, but aren’t, because they are either obscure, or just wouldn’t be considered to fit in a fighting