
ALL religions are cults. It’s just the ones that have been around longer tend to be considered more `respectable’, and `valid’ to the general public. In the end, they’re all based around some fantastical belief, that is absolutely nonsensical, and were they are not considered `religions’ would more than likely just be

After watching the documentary on “his” version of Dune, as fucked up as it was, and even though it was such a huge departure from Herbert’s novel, I’d LOVE to see an animated version of it, though. His storyboards and descriptions would be perfect as an R-rated animated film.

And it was dreadful!

Let me remind you, this is from the same network who ended Agent Carter FAR too soon. Not to mention two of it’s “biggest” shows are The Bachelor/ette and Dancing With The Stars. It also brought back The Gong Show, in PRIMETIME. And, I’ve only just scratched the surface when it comes to their programming. This shit

Well damn, I’d been intending to grab Pirates! at some point (during a sale most likely) and waited too long.

That and/or there is a new meaning to the word `good’, of which I am completely aware of.

So I’ve definitely been chomping at the bit for VIII, since it was announce. I even pre-ordered it. Which I NEVER do.

Celceta is a complete remake/overhaul of Ys III (The side scroller), which was essentially a train wreck. Ys is without a doubt, one of my favourite series. And it’s the ONLY game in the series Icould never play, it was that bad. So what they did with, is basically a different game, gameplay-wise. But keeping the

I haven’t seen that anywhere, after it’s original Saturday morning run on CBS in the early 90s.

They put out an iOS Match-3 game, about a year and a half ago. It wasn’t the most complex game of the genre, but it wasn’t horrible, either. That being my only exposure to this particular line, I’ll have to check it out.

I was gonna jump on this at $40. Yet, even though I do have Prime, It’s telling me it’s $50

I was gonna jump on this at $40. Yet, even though I do have Prime, It’s telling me it’s $50

I remember those days VERY well. As lacking as the spinoff was at the time, it was still FAR better than the even shorter lived Gilligan’s Island in Space cartoon, which was around the same time, too.

Same here. I just couldn’t stand the movie in comparison to it.

I was just REALLY hoping they would do something about the font size. I’d preordered the deluxe edition a couple months in advance. But the font is so damn tiny, I can’t even read it on a 55" screen. I’ve tried To do so a few times. But, finally decided to just wait to see if this could be rectified in the future,

I really wish Squenix would give this an actual U.S release, but I know it’s just a pipe dream on my part. I’ve always had a soft spot for utterly adorable an goofy stuff like this. Unfortunately though, not many ever make it over here.

As someone who was unable to play the original version due to financial issues at the time, I’m just thankful to finally even, be able to play the game, at all,

I can’t even remember the last time I watched anything 0n TV `live’, it’s been so long. And that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for me to watch anything live, at all. I’ve just found it FAR more convenient to do so. The ability to skip commercials, is a BIG factor. (And yes I know HBO doesn’t have them.)

It’s in a box somewhere, with an old external tape drive also. (I’m actually serious) Seeing as I haven’t had a PC with either a COM or Parallel port in nearly 20 years.

I actually have an external one that should still work just fine,. in a box somewhere

I actually have an external one that should still work just fine,. in a box somewhere