
For some unknown reason EVERYTIME I get anything from the PH store, when I log back into the US store, it likes to screw up my iCloud Music Library listings for Apple Music (not the actual audio files, but the listings of all the artists and album lists)getting them back doesn’t always work the same way. It can take

I’ve been wondering what’s going on with the `enhanced’ edition of IW2, for awhile now. They’ve done such a great job with what’s been done so far. All of which are some of my favourite CRPGs, and these new EEs are always day one instabuys for me. Hell, just being able to have them all together, and being able to

Come to MT, as long as you’re outside of any city limits, you can set them off whenever you want. So from about a week or so ago, when it gets dark out, it’s sounded like a WWI battle outside, with massive artilllery barrages raining down for hours. And I still have a few more nights of it to look forward to.

I had a cat that ANYTIME there was butter out and open, he would be there in seconds, so I’m pretty sure cheese would be just fine.

Until Bioware does something to allow for larger sized fonts, I can’t play it anyways. (And I’m playing on a 55" )

TIt really is a shame. Although, until Bioware does something to allow large

I just really wish they had kept the tone and feel of the first 2 runs of the comics, and have it air on someplace like HBO or STARZ. Or even went the way of the third run, which is kind of halfway in between the first 2 and the current one, which is MUCH closer to the TV version, but there are definitely still

I REALLY wanted to like that, and did get a few laughs every so often. But, I ended up rolling my eyes MUCH more, unfortunately.

I still think the radio drama version that the BBC made a couple of decades or so ago, was fantastic. Though I really wish it would get remastered and remixed with a multichannel soundtrack.

It looks to be a bit of both, to me. The figure itself looks like a physical fake, and the card looks photoshopped.

I’d LOVE to see one based around Mac 7, but I know that will NEVER happen, sadly.

These definitely look like a `pass’ for me. Now if they’d just bring the `fruit punch’ that were in the vanilla cookies a couple of years ago. Those were great!

I’ve been debating doin that for the last couple of days. But, since I don’t do multiplayer stuff, I dunno if it’d still be worth $65 for me. (I love what they’ve done in focusing on WWI) Especially since most all reviews focus heavily on the MP content, and the SP stuff kinda seems to get glossed over.

I’ve been debating doin that for the last couple of days. But, since I don’t do multiplayer stuff, I dunno if it’d

As someone who remembers when one’s best search options (when the ONLY way to even get online at the time was with a text based shell account) consisted of Gopher and a very newly created search engine called Altavista, trying to find something on YouTube, is practically a walk in the park.

These days, if it’s an English language cartoon from N. America, the odds of Frank Welker doing at least one or two roles, is VERY high.

Oddly enough, that CGI Garfield series, which ran for a couple of years on Cartoon Network and Boomerang, that about 98% of the time it’s writing was utterly awful, actually did a 2 episode story that addressed Lyman just suddenly disappearing and leaving Odie over 35 years ago. Surprisingly, it actually was for the

Actually no, the `half human’ line from the telefilm `The Enemy Within’ with McGann, was pretty much removed from it after the original broadcast, and in all other adaptations.

Now if only they can do something about the font being so damn tiny, that I can’t even read it on a 55" TV. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition of the PS4 version, and I have yet to even be able to play it

You’re overthinking it.

I was wondering if someone was gonna bring this up! There is no such thing as too much Joe Bob Briggs. But I haven’t seen/heard anything about him in ages.