
I SO wish the Donkey Kong episodes of `Saturday Supercade’, in which Peter Cullen played Mario would get released on DVD. (Hell I wish ALL of `Saturday Supercade’ would get released on DVD) Seeing as any of it at all I’ve come across again online, was absolutely horrid video and audio quality. But, it was still fun

I LOVE Dragon Quest, but No matter how hard I try to, I just cannot get into CCGs.

That rabbit dressed as Peach is now going to give me nightmares.

I LOVE the original watermelon ones. Easily my favourite flavor, hands down. Having hoped for years that they would be made again, I was thrilled to see them come back. (And EXACTLY like they did the first time) . I think I’ll pass on these ones, though. I’ve never understood the desire to eat something entirely

You can get them all year around here. They are a lot like what Taco Bell has, but I usually need to add more cinnamon and sugar, as there isn’t much on them.

Glad to see you found the Fireworks kind. I found them both in Albertsons. So I wouldn’t think they’re that hard to find. That said, I definitely think the W&S ones are better. They have much more flavor. (I’m also not much of a chocolate person)

I’m surprised you haven’t done anything on the new “Waffles and Syrup” or “Fireworks” Oreo flavours, that are now out. (Both of which are actually quite good). Usually the way I find out new flavours even exist, is due to your reviews! Since any new products usually take a couple weeks, if at all, before showing up

I grabbed it when it dropped last week, and have definitely been digging it, and will probably buy the $10 gem pack, to support the devs. I do wish the “building” aspect was much deeper, but it’s still an enjoyable game

I would buy one of those in a heartbeat!

If you play Marvel Future fight, she does that and can also summon a huge squirrel, for her highest powered attack skill to0.

Having grabbed one of the cheapest founder’s packs on Friday, so I could start playing immediately, and so I could get Squirrel Girl (my favourite Marvel character (( followed VERY closely by Howard the Duck and Doop)) right from the start, and have been enjoying myself, quite a bit. I do hope there will be more of

Now, if this was a collection of the various pilots that he made in the 70s and early 80s which contained some ideas/names that would eventually get used in what would become Andromeda, Earth: FInal Conflict, etc. In one way or another, that never got picked up originally, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Some of them got

Now, if this was a collection of the various pilots that he made in the 70s and early 80s which contained some

I’m not entirely certain as to what’s so complex about this game. Everything listed here is pretty much standard procedure with these kind

I have the TG-16 CD version, (packed up somewhere) which IIRC had either 3 or 4 cases. It was a great game. Along with J.B. Harold: Murder Club, which was a very good police procedural mystery. I REALLY wish the other games in the series had gotten translated and released over here in SOME format.

Yet he still looks damn near identically to how he did in the original. He has to be doing SOMETHING right.

Actually, there have been 2 live action Lupin movies. There’s the recent one from a couple years ago, that is the very well known one. The other one was made back in the 70s. And it’s VERY weird. As most of the main characters use some sort of ‘magic’ to essentially teleport themselves short distances. It’s a really

Actually, the first `proper’ Doctor Who episode we get this year, will be tomorrow night’s broadcast of the new animated reconstruction of the first episode of `Power of the Daleks.’ Having hoped for a LONG time, that a copy of this story would be found somewhere, and having listened to the audio track quite a bit,

I was getting ready to post just that, but you beat me to it! He really was an asshole.. Doing shit like this is completely in line with how he actually was; I just wish more people realized it, is all.

Nah, he wasn’t big enough for it to work. Too thin, and not as heavily muscled. I LOVE Frank.. He’s been a huge hero of mine for a long time. He just didn’t have the right build to have been able to have done it.

I’m not sute which GL character received the powers, as I’ve never really been a GL fan. Now there was a one shot GL comic. If you’re curious at all about it, y0u can read it in Marvel’s unlimited digital service,