
There was a hamster one also.

Evidently, you’ve never seen how Walmart treats it’s employees, in order to save money or “be cheap”.  Multi-billion dollar corporations are all about cutting costs at any way possible. Choosing not to award even a $10,000 prize so they can save money is hardly out of that sort of place’s wheelhouse.

“The main benefit of a project like this is: instead of waiting for cities to be added by Hello Games, we built our own. On rock and roll.”

I’ve put about an hour into it so far. (I had to quit due to my hands hurting from chronic pain) But, so far I’ve quite enjoyed what I have played.  I do wish you could interact more with your environment. (Maybe that occurs more as you progress?)  That said, I have to wonder if there is something else going on

The funny thing is, they actually FINALLY addressed the whole Lyman issue in one of the cartoons.

They changed Cloud for sure, that is definitely NOT Steve Burton, I know his voice VERY well, and that isn’t him.

That’s DEFINITELY NOT Steve Burton. I’m a General Hospital watcher, so I know his voice VERY well, and there is no doubt in my mind that isn’t him.

I’ve been debating checking this out for some time now. But, the whole `you need to play with multiple people’ has always held me back. Due to disabilities and weird hours that sort of thing is impossible for me. But, if I can get a rewarding solo experience out of it, I just might have to snag the game. If I find an

I went through something similar 9 years ago. I went to sleep one night, and woke up one month later in a very strange hospital room with a hole in my neck and completely unable to move. I was informed that I had been hit by a super rare pneumonia that completely knocked me on my rear. And then required me to spend

I’m pretty sure that was intentional. Seeing as Tom Nook is a fictional character living in a fictional world.

I never could stand Tarrant. He always just annoyed me.

*HUGS* my imported PAL complete box set.

Up until MHW came out, whenever someone asked me to briefly describe GE to them, I found this summed it up: Think MH, but with MUCH better controls.

Must have headphones!

My guess is because he doesn’t have the peroxide blonde dye job he had to have To (AND HATED) for Buffy.

The filling was great. They just shouldn’t have gone with the chocolate cookies. The vanilla ones would have complimented the filling. The chocolate ones just kind of overwhelmed the filling. Although, I’m definitely gonna have to keep an eye out for the cherry cola ones next year!

I played completely through the PS4 version of Unity, also. I never ran into a single glitch/error. I had a lot of fun with it. It really is a shame that so many people had so much trouble with it. It’s such a richly realised world, with so much to do and experience. (And none of the modern/futuristic crap, that

Now if their milkshakes actually were made from actual ice cream, and it’ll be useful then.

Yeah, and then when you actually get into the game with said character, it doesn’t look like what you just made.