
He shows up every so often, generally to help Anna out. Not nearly as much as she should. (Though that has to do with the current writers, more than anything else I think.) He’s always been one of my favourite characters on the show, so will take him in whatever capacity I can. It’s pretty much universally agreed on

Yep, he’s been back for a couple weeks, but has also been popping in every now and again for about a year. When Wally got bumped down to recurring on Days a little while back, it allowed him to now be able to do both shows, when he’s wanted/needed. Exactly like happened with Tristan Rogers a few months back, with Y&R,

Nice to see I’m not the only GH fan here that gets it, and why it isn’t a oddball product plug that suddenly came out of nowhere. I’m very happy Ned is finally back in Port Chuck, and back together with Olivia. They’re sweet together, and the movie talk is cute, and fun. Not to mention they’re pretty much the ONLY

Wanna bet? Around the time of / maybe a bit after the Melaswen storyline, there was a Finding Nemo plug, with Hope telling Bo, she didn’t think she would make it back to Salem in time to get a specific costume from it, Zach wanted. (I’m pretty certain it was Finding Nemo, but it’s been nearly 15 years, so I could very

GH has never had clones. That was Guiding Light.

As someone who actually watches GH, this isn’t some odd random product placement. Both characters love action/sci-fi movies. Especially comic book/super hero ones. It’s their `thing’ that got them together. Going to these kind of movies.. It’s been going on for a year or so.. This didn’t just come out of nowhere, to

There was in the KOTOR comic. I can’t remember what his name was offhand, but he appeared in just a few issues.

Now if only the Ox could figure out how to have it that when you get their french onion soup for takeout, it spills all over the container, and soaks up the napkins in there.

Howard the Duck, of course!

Huh, I’ve never seen them in the Vita store, before.

I guess I’ll be the pedantic person. It’s name is not the Colliseum. It’s the Flavian Ampitheatre.