
Ooh, I know exactly what kind of smell you mean. Never noticed it coming from a person (just actual sour towels), but I imagine it could cause some dry heaves. Ugh.

Also, when it comes to telling people that something needs correction, I like Miss Manner's rule: if it can be fixed immediately (e.g. food in teeth, skirt tucked in underwear) you should tell them. Otherwise, don't say anything. Someone mentioned telling a lady that her underwear was visible through her white pants -

As a computer science major in college, I definitely encountered my fair share of smelly people. However, there was a certain type of stank I couldn't figure out: why some otherwise-normal adult classmates smelled like feces. Seriously, it was like they were sitting there in a dirty diaper. I can understand normal BO

What I'd like to know is, what do you say when someone explicitly rejects your "Excuse me"? One of the strangest interactions I've had was at a grocery store here in Minnesota, where people will generally bend over backwards not to get in each others' way. A woman was ahead of me with her cart still in the aisle

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point, but...I was under the impression that generally, people have jobs so they can provide for themselves and their family, not because of social pressure. Most people don't have the luxury of not working. Personally, I will never be a SAHP because I know myself enough to realize that