Narrator: “He was wrong.”
Narrator: “He was wrong.”
My favorite part was that when it came down to it, it was Gilfoyle who trusted Dinesh to do the right thing.
I’m thinking maybe Lady Trieu broke Dan out of prison and he works for her now, which would enable him to see Adrian through the Trieu satellite and also give him access to technology that might enable him to rescue Adrian.
Our only source for that, I believe, is Agent Petey’s memo about Rorshach’s Journal. Reading it again now, I find it a bit suspicious: “Dreiberg, now in federal custody, has steadfastly refused to speak to the Bureau about “Rorschach’s Journal,” or anything, for that matter.” Could he be not speaking to the Bureau…
For Old Times’ Sake?
Possibly Dan now works for Lady Trieu, so he would see the message through her satellite? As far as we know, Dan is still in jail from when he and Laurie were caught in the early 90s, But Lady Trieu would seem to have the influence to have him released or the power to break/sneak him out.
Could it be, “Save Me Dan”?
So, the rest of the book except for the girl in the red coat was in black and white?
Damn, I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out!
I’m hoping it’s a misdirect.
Wait, is your theory that Amy is working with Pilgrim? I can’t figure out what you’re trying to say.
Not cool.
He’s mentioned a few times that he sells insurance.
“Anderson sends his son-in-law to New York”
Did I miss a moment where the show said that Pilgrim’s wife was the Schultzes’ daughter? I saw their relationship with Rebecca as concern for a sick member of their close-knit religious community, who was also married to their enforcer. They didn’t really seem to be acting as…
Please don’t spoil events in later episodes. Some people like to read these reviews after watching each episode.
“Powers” was about cops who deal with super-powered cases. Are you thinking of “Powerless?”
Time in sequential art is more complicated than that. To fit everything into the desired number of panels/pages sometimes events that occur in quick succession are shown in the same panel, and it is assumed that the reader’s brain will automatically interpret the correct sequence of events.
To be fair, at the bottom it says, “This interview has been edited and condensed from two conversations,” so it’s possible that the interviewer brought it up or that it came up more naturally in the flow of the full conversation.
“I am going to tell all my top gay friends about it”
What about the power bottoms?
I think the implication was that the grime music somehow drew every single spider into the panic room except for the giant ballroom mommy spider. So, Sheffield is safe because the spiders are all “humanely” starving to death, suffocating, and/or eating each other.