It seems too obvious to really be worth mentioning, but I could be wrong.
It seems too obvious to really be worth mentioning, but I could be wrong.
Ignoring the fact that dark matter works however the writers want it to work at any particular moment, I don’t see why a father couldn’t pass it to his offspring. Dark matter affects DNA, sperm contain DNA, so why can’t sperm contain dark matter?
Please send this spec script to Marvel Studios immediately.
Because of your potty mouth.
More often, but not more volume.
Not sure who Johan Venture is, but Jonas Venture being The Monarch’s biological father was basically confirmed, wasn’t it?
Latin, along with Greek, is incredibly useful for people going into science or medicine.
It was definitely “SuperHamptons.” On a related note, I misread the “Hillary Clinton Makes Weird Face at Waiter” chyron as “Hillary Clinton Makes Weird Face at Water.” Still funny, although in a more absurdist vein.
You’re criticizing the same thing that he is, but somehow you’ve managed to misinterpret Felix’s comment as defending it. Excellent straw man building there.
But ballin’ is good, right?
Is balls good or bad?
Morgan Freeman isn’t married...
That’s how meat thermometers are used, which may be one of the reasons they don’t use mercury.