
That’ excellent point.

And you’re arguing that the HULK is stable and employable?

I don’t remember that line either, but I assumed that he existed somewhere else since Beth lost communication with him the first time they went into the tunnels. If the AI is actually in the goggles, losing the signal makes no sense.

Ah! I didn’t catch that he was talking to the Gambler on the phone, but that makes a lot of sense.

It would be interesting if they make Mike’s mother a hero, but even if she is, I doubt that Icicle would know that, as he didn’t know who any of them were 5 minutes ago. I’m pretty certain that he was just referring to Mike being Stripesy/STRIPE’s son.

I sympathize with Mike in general. There’s obviously a lot of stuff going on that’s being hidden from him, and it sucks to feel on the outside, especially in your own family. BUT, that obviously wasn’t the time to make a stink about it.

Frost Giants can do that too, or maybe that’s just in Marvel Comics. Like I said, either one makes sense.

There’s a new website called “Google” where you can type in what you’re looking for and it gives you a link straight to it.

I wouldn’t worry about the sex and nudity being watered down.

This reminds me of the great scene from the Amazon Tick series where Overkill and Midnight argue over which of them was the 5th member of the Flag Five.

But Jotunheim is the homeland of the Frost Giants. I think an argument can be made for either one, but the realm containing actual ice beings rather than primordial ice makes more sense to me.

The whole thing with the original Doctor Mid-Nite being born in 1914 and joining the JSA in 1941 makes me think they’re going to do a Limbo thing with the JSA except extend it by many years like the MCU did with Captain America. That could explain why Pat seems so anachronistic and why the ISA/American Dream plan

He wrote tonight’s episode, so he’s definitely working on the show. If they want to use Jack Knight, it seems like it would be pretty simple to have him approve or even write any Jack Knight scenes.

“making her a boxer is negated by the costume being superpowered.”

100% disagree. The costume may enhance her natural abilities, but it doesn’t give her fighting skills.

Icicle’s parents are Norwegian, at least according to the subtitles.

The “Cosmic Converter Belt” boosted her physical attributes and enabled her to shoot stars at people. Originally, it was her only weapon until Jack Knight gave her the Cosmic Staff when he retired.

He seems to be a producer on the show. I’m not sure if that means he’s actively working on the show or possibly they gave him the credit in return for permission to use Jack?

I assumed that they could already look forward in time, which is how they knew that Sergei was going to betray them. I took Stewart’s question about the difference between, “I know we’re going to do better,” or, “I KNOW we’re going to do better” as asking if Forest had actually seen into the future using the machine

I think learning that free will doesn’t exist is enough to freak out about.

I think the change in Jamie’s willingness to help Lily is simply because he’s hoping that they’ll get back together.