Khanthrok Bonechewer

Well, I'll be darned.  I accept correction, to be sure, but that line in 'Distant Voices' suggests that they were planning on doing something interesting with Bashir in the future, but they must not have decided on what.

How come the Romulans never had a movie dedicated to them?

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus : Heck, they might just be practicing the Ferengi equivalent of the Prime Directive.

@avclub-df1e0236446701781694ff3350b618ec:disqus : I disagree with your assertion that the Vulcans behave illogically in Enterprise.  From their perspective, the humans are a brash, dangerous race, that needs to be carefully managed.  

Not to mention the fact that that two-parter represents the final appearance of the Hirogen in the franchise.  Voyager is absolutely terrible at providing narrative closure.

You know, I don't think I've ever engaged in a flame war before, so I'm kind of enjoying the novelty of the thing.  But no, I respectfully decline your invitation to read through your previous posts, and will continue to judge your above post on its own merits.  I have no doubt that, if I read through your previous

I think the entire plot of 'The Naked Now' was an excuse to shoehorn in James T. Kirk's name.

Because he gets results, you stupid Chief!

If there's anything that we've learned from Superman III, it's that the man who controls the coffee controls the world.

Benny Russell, will you be my new grandpa?

Featuring the new ship: the Battlestar: Defiant Millenium Enterprising Tardis!


Is this a stupid question?



I hate to nerd out (actually, I love to), but there are a lot of races in the Trek-verse that get as much or more development than the Ferengi.  Look at the Klingons, for God's sake!  And watch the Cardassians over the course of DS9.  Or, for that matter, Enterprise-era Vulcans.


Zack, you should seriously consider banning this guy.  Once was in bad taste, twice is still forgivable, but if he refers to Benjamin Sisko as 'black guy' a third time, he has run out of excuses.

Amen, brother.  Preach it!

I think 'Move Along Home' goes up a full letter grade as a result of its denouement.