Khanthrok Bonechewer

Aw, you stole my entry! Have you ever heard the theory that Deb is part of the Camarilla, charged with upholding the Masquerade? The theory is that she's there to equate folks who have genuine experience with the supernatural underworld with garden variety wackos.

But what happened to Chief Engineer Argyll????

This.  A thousand times this.

I'm most certainly not a Voyager fan, but 'The Thaw' is one episode that really is wonderful.  Badass Janeway was great, and evil clown Michael McKean was great, but can we hear it for Robert Picardo's role in that episode?

I prefer to think of him as Yeoman Janice Rand, Kirk's love interest/subordinate.  If she had stuck around, it definitely wouldn't have been at all creepy.


That 'classic shatning' you refer to is perhaps my single favorite moment in TOS.

I am an overweight, geeky Trek nerd who married a beautiful wife who couldn't care less about most of this stuff.  Gentlemen, it can be done.

A few years back, I watched TOS in its entirety, with full prior knowledge of the 'red shirt' phenomenon.  My question: was there ever an episode where they beam down with a red shirt who doesn't end up dying?

Does Ben Sisko have to choke a bitch?

What I want to know is why they were called UrRu in 'The World of the Dark Crystal' and Mystics in the movie.

Dear God, it can't be so!  All that blood…?

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Welcome to the club!  You and I have the honor of currently being the only two commenters addressed by Admiral Patrick!

I cannot like this enough.

When I saw this list I was absolutely sure that I could come up with something that wasn't on the list, and in fact, I did.

So dish, Morn.  Were you stoking the mob last week, or trying to talk them down?

Amazing!  You (Subject Name Here) must be the pride of (Subject Hometown Here)!

Another thing to do, if you don't want to read spoilers, is close the thread in which they're marked.

Ah.  Gotcha.

Still, I hope this quality gimmick commenter stays with us for the B5 reviews.