Khanthrok Bonechewer

Cut me some slack, Jack!  Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help.  Jive ass dude don't got no brains, anyhow.

I was just thinking that Voyager must have ripped off this episode to create the Hirogen.

Comedy Central had a show a while back, somewhere in the mid '00s, about a guy who was going to move to Japan to restart his life.  I think it ran for a few episodes, and was cancelled.  I enjoyed what I saw.

Yeah, it was Dr. Serizawa that invented the Oxygen Destroyer.  I particularly liked how the reporter was all over his fiance, and he couldn't care less.

Obvious memes are obvious.

This post is what sold me on the character.  I too, like Ike, my friend.

What a strange decision.  Is there a woman in the world who regularly watched Voyager, just to take in Garrett Wang's sex appeal?  Does such a creature exist?

Zek has nothing on Neelix.  Man oh man, do I want to put my foot through his face every time he's onscreen.

@avclub-7cf12ec23b16390f64b0f52e65a7ac1d:disqus 'Angry black guy stereotype'?  Sisko?  Aw, hell naw!  That man has LAYERS.  He's playful and affectionate with his son, he's steadfast with his friends, and as a boss he's tough but fair.  Baseball makes him giddily excited.  He's more interested in being respected than

As am I.  It's not bad, and was really beginning to find its groove by the time it got the axe.  There were some really dire moments in the 2nd season, but by and large Enterprise was a worthy addition to the franchise.

I hate to admit, but I kind of have a thing for Cardassian women.  That blue spoon they have on their foreheads is just… wow.

More so than Cirric Lofton, by the end of it.  Still, Lofton always got a spot in the opening credits, which is something our poor, simple tailor never achieved.

It's kind of good that they don't overuse him.  You could say the same thing about Morn.

'Up the Long Ladder' was so entirely ill-conceived in every regard, that I am willing to disregard it for purposes of considering 'A Man Alone'.

One of the strangest thing about Enterprise is that they clearly thought that Jolene Blalock was the sex symbol, not Linda Park.

I would argue that the one minute that Sisko is inhabited by Joran Dax in the episode 'Facets' justifies the entire character over the whole seven years.

You know, I never thought of that.  Believe it or not, that actually makes me a lot happier about Dax's shifts in personality over the course of the show.

It's my understanding that Kate Mulgrew complained that her motivation and personality changed from week-to-week, depending on the needs of the plot.

Hey.  Hey!  You can criticize Enterprise until you're blue in the face (and I'm pretty sure you will), but you leave Porthos alone.  He was a good dog.

The episode you're thinking of as 'the Brigadoon episode' is Meridian, and it's terrible.  Don't watch it again; just take my word for it on this.