Khanthrok Bonechewer

Agreed.  This comes off as racist and is unworthy of the AV Club.  I'm not sure that was your intention, so I'll refrain from flagging it.

Yeah, there are several fights between Spock and McCoy you could point to.

He's definitely up to something.  Could he be up to something?

For those of you who deny that DS9 is Star Trek, I present to you the episode where it condemns Space Racism.


Or Scotty and the bulkhead in Star Trek V.

The scene where they drive for a couple of minutes down a stretch of Japanese highway was a bit too much for this fair commenter.

How could you like the Ferengi episode?  It even wastes Jeffrey Combs!


You would have gotten a like from me if you had used the full name: the Sheliak Corporate.

Space Nazis?  Are you referring to the Suliban?  The literal space Nazi Trek episode was in TOS.  Also, the Cardassians are way closer to Nazis than the Suliban ever were.

You're thinking of 'The Wounded', which marked the first appearance of the Cardassians.

Alurin - That's not true at all.  Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia in particular were all champing at the bit to get out.

I work for a government organization, and we're very careful to protect people's personal information.  Conversations with superiors about one's private life are generally held in fairly strict confidence.  I'm pretty sure Starfleet would respect the wishes of a fairly private guy like Picard not to have the story of

Tuvok had a brief crossover during a mirror universe episode.


I like how it's also clear from the get-go that he's seriously ready to chew them out; I mean really call them on the carpet.  Picard did that on occasion, but noone can do it like Sisko.

My pick is 'Bye Bye Greasy'.  What can I say; I'm a sucker for musical episodes.

I love 'Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future' so much I can't see straight.

The correct impression.