
Yes. Fuel mileage has nothing to do with particulates or noxious gas emissions. 


The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me. 

LOL, wut?

So everyone complains about how towing destroys EV range, but everyone forgets it also destroys ICE range... do we just ignore that? Or does that not fit the narrative of “gas/diesel good, electricity bad”

“but it is very possible this was the only seat available for a flight he needed to take.”

I suppose I’m largely inured to so many of the terrible aspects of flying these days, if only because I can think back to those wonderful flights on a C-130 in the middle east where we were literally crammed knee to knee and shoulder to shoulder in canvas seats, in an unairconditioned plane with no noise reduction.

hell i sat next to a 400lb woman and i could tell she felt bad for spilling into the seat but even with me being a fatshit i can get comfortable in a small space. i just let her put the armrest up and relax. it was only dallas to slc i can touch a stranger for a few hours. i worked in a small kitchen through college

Liberal? Of course. Reckless? Nah. This guy is a shithead and deserves to get taught a lesson. Also the story directly states that he was punching the seat harder before the video. The force of a battery is irrelevant when you have the clear intent to be offensive and to make contact as you have here.

there is a way to look it up.  seatguru will tell you every seat on every flight. which ones have power which ones have boxes underneath the seats blocking your feet and all kinds of shit. 

Go to They will tell you which seats don’t recline or have limited recline and then choose a seat in the row behind that (or get a bulkhead). Yes those seats typically cost more to select in advance, but if people aren’t willing to pay up to avoid people reclining into them, I have little pity for them.

You can only see part of his face in the video, but he does not look like the sort of person who would be anything but timid if there were any possibility of retribution.

I really don’t know why they make plane seats that recline so much.

“I get this guy’s anger,”

I fly American to CLT a lot for work from PA. It’s a 2 hour flight, and because I always buy the cheapest ticket I can, I am often in the last row, because the last row is the cheapest, and he got what he paid for.

You’re one too apparently!

There are also flesh and blood humans who might have back issues, and that recline is the difference between them being fairly uncomfortable, and being in significant pain for the whole flight.

I’m willing to bet that this guy wouldn’t be punching the seat if there were a man sitting in it.

THAT’S FUCKING BATTERY. You don’t have to directly hit someone to batter someone. He punched a seat with the intent to make that seat impact the WOMAN in front of him. He’s the asshole here and should have been arrested upon landing.

I had the pleasure of flying United again recently. They’ve added something called “Basic Economy” since the last time I flew with them. Holy shiplap those seats are friggin tiny and close together. The seatback in front of me was practically in my face, then it reclined even closer. I get this guy’s anger, it’s