
When the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were released, I was not impressed. For starters, it was some PC-upgrade type bullshit! I bought consoles precisely to avoid having to upgrade every 3-4 years, but here both Sony and Microsoft were, dropping iterative improvements of the same machine only three years after the

You realize Spider-Man is literally owned by Sony right? So it kinda makes sense. That would be like being pissed Sony didnt get Master Chief as a playable MK character. 

I feel like people who bought Ones and Series X are people who are “Xbox people” probably stemming from the 360 era when they were soundly beating the PS3 in those early years. You dug into that ecosystem and it’s what you’re familiar with and what you stick with. I think that’s a large percentage of it. GamePass

Let me sum up this article:

Now playing

I don’t know the specific build of the engine, but EJ series engines with equal length headers largely negate the “subaru rumble” that is commonly seen amongst the vaping bro crowd. This specific car upon acceleration sounds like any other performance rally car.

This seems like kind of a genius stroke on the part of the army and navy. Their ranks thrive on christian nationalism, and christian nationalists will eat this controversy up. Yeah they’ll pay lip service to saying this stuff is bad, the streamers may be shuffled around so it looks like punishment, but it bolsters

God the fucking gig economy is trash. Late-stage capitalism leads to just some truly absurd shit. 

This Nokia is an heirloom variety! We thought it was extinct but a few were found in the wild forests outside of Helsinki and propagated.”  It’s delicious paired with 90's nostalgia.” 

Nerds ruining a good time example infinity

Solution: Quit working for amazon and start up your own fresh-picked phone stand.

Steal the phones you hang in the tree? If they get stolen, no money lost.

This one probably made me laugh the most. If this is all you can say, get an education, buddy (or budette). 

Oh yeah, and when you’re asleep in your bed and they murder you? And then protect the cops who pulled the trigger blindly. That’s the fucking problem.

I think like many N64 games, it doesn’t hold up well, but offered a glimpse of future possibilities. It did stuff the SNES game couldn’t like huge jumps and shortcuts through things like caves or train tunnels. The issue is that when we go back, each track might have that one defining moment, and the rest feels pretty

I’ve never met anyone who agrees with me but Double Dash, in my humble opinion, belongs at the very bottom of the list. Every single thing about that one felt off to me’ right on down to the physics. Drifting felt especially bad to me. It's the only Mario Kart game that I haven't enjoyed.

11 slides = 10-11 clicks = good looks for advertisers.

Mario Kart 64 is the worst game in the main series (as in, not including the mobile game and the arcade games). Even at the time of its release, I was disappointed in it compared to Super Mario Kart. That doesn’t mean I didn’t still enjoy it at the time. Of course I had a lot of fun with it. But it was still a clear

This is such a shit layout for desktop and I hate the new ‘ads’ that have recent articles in a slideshow. Looks tacky and is a terrible experience. This is just wasted space on Desktop. 

Noticing a patterns of slideshows on these sites now. Not a fan of it. Feels like a G/O Media thing and it just feels like a sign of things to come. Unfortunate. Thanks for writing this though. I’m assuming it wasn’t your decision to make this a slideshow post.