The fact that, across the country, millions of people give a fuck about college sports beyond the level of fuck that is given about, say, a high school football game in Not-Texas, is a cancer in our society.
The fact that, across the country, millions of people give a fuck about college sports beyond the level of fuck that is given about, say, a high school football game in Not-Texas, is a cancer in our society.
This year, I had five football players ask me to adjust their grades after the semester or to let them to extra/makeup work after the semester had ended so that they could bump a D to a C, or an F to a D. I said no to all five, and a few expressed astonishment. Clearly, they’re getting special treatment from some…
If he wanted to use an app to get access to balls, shouldn’t he have used Grindr?
Damn it, America. Share your Hulu with me legally! Canadians are just itching for another fix of American media!
Wow. Never seen a Jordan impersonator pull off both 23 and 45 simultaneously.
No, the best part is that this was played in Idaho. There is a place called “Coeur d’Alene” in the potato capital of the USA. I kept looking on google maps, zooming out, thinking “surely I’ll see the Bahamas or Cayman Islands or something here soon...” Imagine my surprise when the word “Montana” came into focus.…
I’d rather see the full uniform than that stupid crying face meme.
Raps were so close :(
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The CFL’s official wrapup story describes it as Canadianly as they can:
Maybe you shouldn't be here...
Yet every single time I see the “BFG” I think I think of the weapon from Doom...
The walks are the key. He’s already walked more this year than all of last year, so teams are forced to pitch in the strike zone.
I was completely ready to give the guy credit for going straight off instead of trying to hero a recovery out of that. Then he got out of the car.
Only a management consultant could come up with a strategy that makes you 10% more likely to “succeed” but has three times the opportunity costs and you have to do it forever. I’m surprised he didn’t try to have the team coached by a Toyota assembly line manager and a client engagement coordinator from McKinsey
And on the news:
I don’t see how a sports website discussing a rare thing that happened in a 15-inning game constitutes a slow news day.
I thought the whole pump and dump was just to get the unusable breast milk out of your body, because it hurts/leaks when it hasn’t been expressed? Not to flush the contamination faster. I’ve never had children/breastfed though, so I'm by no means an expert or experienced.
Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not…