
There are no good sports child’s.

I heard 47.

I don’t mind the new unit of CoJo, Demar, Demarre, Ibaka and JV. IMO that could make the conference finals.

I’m scared of the puss, first time I went for it got bleed all up in my mouth. I didn’t know what it tasted like so i thought that’s how it was supposed to taste. Woke up the next day to a mouth full of dried blood. Never again, but I’ll eat some ass.

I also benefitted from my now wife to be able to do things and live a life that I could a dream of 10 years ago. When I was 25 I had so many unpaid debts, low wage job and owned a couch because of my alcoholism. My wife grew up with her grandfather installing in her a deep respect for what money will allow you to do,

And it not even ‘jesus’ real birthday, Christmas is fucked.

I just did a deep dive on the website and I’m all in. I could give a fuck about running but this dudes dedication to the cause is amazing. The pics that he used to get the pics of that ladies watch he had to pay to get them. He did a bunch of posts on the Disney runs, but his biggest thing seems to be people cheating

Good call. I wasn’t aware of the situation, thanks for the clarification.

I know, I coached youth at the national level in Canada for years and one of the things I’ve always taught the kids is never take anything for granted. No matter how good it feels off the hand or looks at the breaking point.


My Venezuelan friend might disagree.

I can’t stand a no-look. I’ve seen to many people do it and leave a ringing 9 or 10 pin. Nothing looks worse then that.

I would. I watched sat/sun PBA action every week it was on for close to 25 years. To watch high level guys competing on ever changing condition after a long gruelling weekend of qualifying rounds, then match play is awesome. These guys play upwards to 30+ games just to get to play on Sunday, it’s amazing.

I myself prefer walking out and watching the ball bury the pocket, but never arms out, that’s a shitty move.

If you’ve never experienced indigenous hoop dancing you should. Watch it on YouTube but if you can watch it live even better. The story telling is amazing.

Just ‘more mario’? Mario for the wii was awesome, 4 person play former! Mario maker! That’s not just some ‘more mario’ shit

Wha....what’s this witch craft you speak of? Burn this man!

Our local WHL team also had that at I game I attended last month. There were 3 families who made their oath to Canada and then they did a oath for the whole arena. After that the family dropped the puck. I brought my son to game and it was a pretty cool thing he got to see and be a part of, being able to welcome

Under the influence is great!

Right on with the I was looking for a hot sauce and on .com it was a reasonable $7 and on .ca it was $98....what?