
I am in agreement. If they took his gloves away, gave him a test and he passed and then they sent him out to get his brain demo’d again then it would be a different story.

I was screaming infinity at my phone as soon as I opened the story and was glad to see it come up.

I would love to have a conversation with Pop but I’m sure after 3 minutes he would shake his head and mutter ‘I got better shit to do’ and then walk away.

I noticed the same thing. I haven’t bought a game there for years, because I got kids, no time and I never go to the mall anymore. I was there in the fall and what once was a store brimming with games, new and used, is now filled with bobble heads, ammibos and t shirts.

I’ve just used two actually real life examples and you haven’t, facts over everything!

Oh how I like Kyle Lowry. I like derozan but I like like Lowry.

Noticed that over the last couple of days on nba vids and it’s silly because I’m in Canada, this was a game with a Canadian team that was played in Canada....not available???

Matt Serra was the nicest person I’ve ever met, he is positivity personified. Unlike Ms Rousey he was a terrific winner and a even better loser.

No? Mr Randy couture was 45 when he won the heavy weight title belt.

Not kind of an asshole, she is an asshole. She was always the worst type of winner and then showed to be the worst type of loser.

I was putting off buying a ps4 because I just have a lack of time to really invest in games anymore but with fractured butt whole and re7 looks like I have to go out to bestbuy this weekend.

As a raptors fan Vc can go fuck himself. Sitting through the seasons when he was done with Toronto and played like shite and faked injuries were brutal with the after effects being not able to ever secure a good free agent. The last three years have been better but if not for him poisoning the well it should have

RE 1, 2 and 3 are some of my favourite games of all time, I didn’t care for 4, hated 5 and didn’t even try six. But seven has my interest piqued, but because I really haven’t played many games in the last 10 years in brutal at fps games.

That and fuck the nfl and fuck brain injuries and fuck shitty football.

I’ve been a football fan since I was 5, so roughly 30 years and he was the man responsible for destroying my favourite team to the point where I’ve watched zero snaps of football this year. I once painted my room colts blue, a room I shared with my wife.

4 was the least playable for me.

My boy needs some plugs!!!

Some of us have had to move the collection to our own ‘attics’(mines in the bawment’
