
He said “I ain’t even go to college for that long”

I drove an 09 ridgeline from 2012-14 and it got shit for gas mileage. I did the same 2000 km trip this past spring in my 2014 ram 1500 and spent was less on gas.

Says the guy who took his kid on a 1700km each way road trip in his 2014 ram 1500 and loaded the back seat with books, Lego and snacks. In the roughly 40 hours of driving and ferry time we listened to kids place live on sat radio(best for road trips), talked about all the small towns and sites and rivers and fields

Or give them books, or Lego or fucking talk to your kids about what's outside.

Oh boy, this guy🔼

Wear disposable nitrile gloves when handling chicken or any meat in the kitchen. A box of 100 is like $5 and will keep you from having to wash your hands constantly, glove on one hand that handled the meat and your unsolved hand handles the knives, spices, cutting boards, etc

The same situation happened at the local grocery store. A friend was working there and I was in loitering with him as he was stocking something and the ginger beer is down the aisle and all of a sudden we hear a pop and see ginger beer all over the floor. And as we are walking over another one blows, so he took the

My son is 4 and we are working our way through the series, starting at ep 1, currently getting ready for ep 5. The parts that are funny and cheesy are his bread and butter and all of the other stuff is fill, and he is in heaven. If not for the cheese my son probably wouldn’t be interested in the OT, so count me in as

Brady maybe but manning does not. There is a laundry list of guys he's sold out over the middle who've gotten concussed.

If only it was two dumb kids, but this hundreds of kids and peer pressure and a points pretty big deal.

That I know of, nobody was laid off. All under contract writers are being moved to other espn platforms. Nothing changes but everything changes for them.

I’m a satanist and I don’t think we should have any special rights or privileges, buuutttt I also don’t think Christians, Catholics, morons, I mean Mormons, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, etc should either. Aaannnnddd if they do want special rights then I want in on some of that action, because my carbon based life

I believe situation plays into it, that was a blow out game, and I don't know who was winning, either way awesome flip boring situation. Joey Bats flip was at the height of intensity in playoff baseball, and for that it makes it my #1.

Thoughts on Jordan?

Why? He is ultimate F U hitter, mess with him or his team and he's going yard and he is going to let you know. If he was doing this is garbage games when they are losing, then sure hate away, but in a deciding game to take the lead then this is the absolute best thing ever.

My personal greatest scene is the horse fucking scene from clerks 2, because of the totally absurdity of it. But if I was a sane man this would be the greatest.

You're the worst. I've read this whole thread and you are just the worst. Big mouth little dick guys like you ruin 100% of everything 90% of the time.

Rape??? She thinks that was rape???

It appears from outside of one video it's all white people music and your video isn't white people related sooooo.....

Aaaaannddddd white.