Definitely. Was schooled in the 80s-90s and finally got to see Mead give a talk after about 10 years in the workforce. His style was transfixing, and he seemed to be a completely charming individual.
Perfectly stated. And like you, I was also immediately reminded of Ralph McQuarrie. His imagery and vision left a far stronger influence upon Star Wars than most people would think.
Very sad to hear of his passing. About 13 or 14 years ago he was a guest speaker for the Industrial Design Society of America in Chicago and I was one of a handful of fortunate people who were lingering after the talk who were invited to join him at his hotel bar for a drink afterwards. Syd was very warm and friendly…
Saw news of his death on Facebook and immediately came to Jalopnik, as I knew Torch would provide a suitable tribute, as someone who “gets” Syd Mead. Not disappointed.
He was a god to many of us in design school(s). RIP Syd, you were an amazing motivator and inspiration.
Thanks for leading David onto the one true path of realization; that most quests in this realm may be accomplished by worthy squire wielding any beater GM full frame / small block v-8 product.
You sir are a great Jalop for your contribution to this tale. Like Mr. Rogers said, “in a time of crisis, look for the helpers”. They restore your faith in humanity. Or in this case, the folly of man.
You, sir, have the bestest boy of trucks.
Not only are you a good dude but you have my now new favorite user name on Jalopnik. Cheers from also Denver
Yep. That’s a great line, and I absolutely laughed when I read it.
Or just maybe your truck is the true Grail. You sir are the bravest and most worthy; whilst Mr. Tracy is easily distracted by shiny manual uni-bodys. He chose poorly. Hold on to that truck until someone vanquishes you in single combat.
I nominate Jason for being the nicest and most generous gear - head jalop of 2019. The possible serious trouble / disasters David and Brandon could have been subject to not being in a proper vehicle to go over the mountain could have ended those two. Jason’s gracious generosity has restored my faith in humanity.
Sir, your truck is The Good Truck.
I have to say, I did NOT have “My beater pickup featured in a Jalopnik article” on my 2019 Bingo card but it’s a funny old world, innit?
Aw, thanks. TBH I’d be happy to just get out of the grays.
“I hesitate to say your plan has a fatal flaw when it’s basically made out of fatal flaws,
So does Jason get the award for Coolest Jalop of the Year? I’d say so. Absolutely.
My love of Peanuts, both the comics and the specials, is lifelong and unshakeable. May he rest in peace.