
People who think insult = argument hardly are qualified to define ‘adult brain’.


And yet, Yohoho Puzzle Pirates is still going, somehow.

‘Lacking mature perspectives’?

Haven’t seen either Black Panther movie, have you?

Every Greek person I ever met has pronounced ‘gyro’ as ‘hee-ro’ only with a hard ‘h’. Maybe that’s spelled ‘khee-ro’ - I dunno.

You can be as obviously satirical as you like, and there will always be at least one dingbat who doesn’t get the joke.

Check out the ‘On Demand’ section. There’s a lot more stuff there.

For classic TV, the best bets are Tubi and PlutoTV, hands down.

30 days hath November, April, June and September.

Not January, dude.

It’ll be out day after tomorrow.

It’s always OK to ‘cheat’ or mod a game you play by yourself.

Not in competitive ones, of course, but in single player? Do whatever the heck you want.

No. ‘Successful’ means it hasn’t been cancelled. If it was cancelled, it obviously wasn’t ‘successful’, see?

When you define words the way you want, you’re never wrong!


You think there’s nothing between ‘I hear just fine’ and ‘I can’t hear a thing?’

Dude. Learn something, why don’t you?


The Stunt Man.

I used to buy from HB quite a bit, but they stopped selling mobile bundles, so that has dropped off sharply.

I’d go hard for this bundle, but I own all of them already.

I’d still go for a good Android bundle, but I’m not holding my breath.

My gas oven burst into flames and it wasn’t even ‘on’.

Of course, gas stoves are ‘on’ all the fucking time. It’s a waste of energy and money to have a gas stove - environmental concerns aside. If you want to pay for energy you aren’t even using, cook with gas.

This exceptionally catty article has me admire Harry much more than Ms. McDuffie. Is she trying to get a spot on Real Housewives?

And how dare they make money? I mean, the person who wrote this article did it for free, right? We all work for free because we’re such pure human beings, don’t we?

Not John Smith, John Rolfe.

Says the person with no medical knowledge whatsoever.

If someone needs to be defibrillated, you DO NOT rush them to a hospital unless you want them DOA.

You seem to be incensed that they took care of a player instead of playing the damn football game.

So you spent an hour of uncertainty while two teams worked to save a player’s life. Poor you.