
I lost 75 lbs. due to a severe illness a couple of years ago, and the number of people who insisted on telling me ‘how good I looked’ made me want to knock heads together.

I would ask them to stop, and they would just repeat it! I pointed out that I nearly died, and all they could say was to repeat how good I looked!


A well stocked spice rack is the key to flavorful cooking. I have one basic chicken soup recipe, but by adding different flavorings, it’s never the same twice.

Because knitters did a letter writing campaign - organize, y’all! It works!

Real paintball players wear all kinds of protective gear because those things HURT.

Not to get all ‘A Christmas Story’ or anything, but you can damage someone with those things. They’re not Nerf guns.

Really 21 minutes due to commercials.

I’m still amazed at how much story they managed to cram into 21 minutes.

Just take a look at the Homecoming one again - the guy with the boombox is Kirk Thatcher, who played ‘Punk on the Bus’ in Star Trek IV.

The director has said it’s the same character, thus the MCU and the Star Trek universe are THE SAME UNIVERSE.

How cool is that?

There have been times in my life when $100 was a lot of money, and times when it wasn’t.

I would never assume that it’s not a lot of money to someone else - I’ve been there. 

He was voted Worst Boss of the Year over at

Nope. Any policy that largely impacts a certain protected group or groups, whether intentional or not, is still illegal.

You don’t have to prove ‘intent’ in a labor dispute, only that a policy places a heavier burden on a protected group.

I happened to catch ‘Spider-Man 2' not too long ago - I hadn’t seen it in ages - and OMG there was Octavia Spencer! With her two lines!

She’s come a long way, and deserving of every accolade.

Well, you got the Bing and Nat ones, but you left out

Andy Williams, the red one
Annie Lennox (seriously, how could you leave that one out, it’s freaking awesome!)
John Denver & the Muppets

‘Cancel culture’ - code for ‘I deserve to be rich no matter what I do or who I hurt’.

Fuck that.

No fairy tales, no storytime, no pretend, no playing, no imaginary friends. It’s all lies.

/s just in case

Dude, don’t have kids. They’ll grow up hating you.

I’ve never really understood the whole collecting autographs thing. If I’m gonna meet someone who’s brought me joy, I give them something (usually something handmade). They’ve given me enough - I relish the opportunity to give them something back.

You may, however, throw jelly beans at Harlan Ellison.

The Ark of the Covenant is not a Christian artifact.

Erik (Killmonger) was right about the problem, he was wrong about the solution.

Something T’Challa came to realize and set about to right the wrongs Erik had suffered and the wrongs Wakanda had failed to prevent.

When I was there in the ‘70s, we had a gay student have to drop out after receiving death threats.

Yeah, Rocky is an Everyman.

I am anticipating and dreading this movie - because I know it’s going to be a wonder and I know I’m going to bawl my head off.