And yet they manage to make new Just Dance games every year and even port them to the Wii!
And yet they manage to make new Just Dance games every year and even port them to the Wii!
“Ronald McDonald is a RAGING anti-Semite and everybody loves him!”
In fairness, that’s more of a suspension of disbelief thing.
“Irving, who by all accounts is an intelligent and thoughtful man...”
TL:DR: ...because, New Jersey.
Visit 1 - A good lesson for your children that they can’t get what they want all of the time, and to learn to deal with disappointment.
xQc definitely overreacts at the outset but 31% crit accuracy is high enough that it’s fair to assume a player is hacking. xQc does not handle it well, something that shouldn’t be surprising considering his total lack of social skills, but the assumption at its core is reasonable if we’re just looking at the numbers.
Because it gets clicks.
if he’s so stupid why do you keep covering everything he does
They should make Call of Duty:Black Cops about a group of black policemen that have to take down the corrupt racist cops in their precinct. Then we can all have confusing conversations with each other about which Call of Duty we are talking about.
Like sports. We have all figured out to stop watching sports and play them. That’s why there’s no more sports leagues.
That speaks more about our police force and how shitty and poorly trained cops are than it does about society and the people that do this. You’d figure there would be a huge congressional hearing or something calling for exhaustive over sight on how cops deploy their storm troopers after someone was murdered in their…
she sounds like the type
Hello Patrick,
It sounds like Lisa is tearing him apart.
Judging by that footage, looks like they need a timeout!
The Lost City of Z? The fuck are you smoking lol.
I don’t understand the accolades for JOHN WICK 2 and BABY DRIVER, which don’t hold up on second viewings once the hype and thrill of their potential dissipates. Especially with so many other, better, films out this year. To that end, thanks for not including the better-than-its-colleagues-but-overall-not-astounding…
... If your takeaway from that was “lootboxes are bad,” as in the literal Loot Boxes in the game you get from leveling up, you need to work on your reading comprehension.